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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. careerbuilder one with monkeys was nice, any1 got a vid of it
  2. allstar8533 (3:34:53 PM): go pack dabearfan101 (3:35:11 PM): never
  3. Hope all of you watch it. it's going to be amazing.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDjtm2Opaac
  5. Can't wait, should be a fun packed amazing game.
  6. I want Phil to plug in Kobe earlier in the 4th with a big lineup of Brown or Blake/Kobe/Odom/Pau/Bynum, it'll cause havoc for sure.
  7. Portland will have trouble this game, hopefully it's close though.
  8. Bring the damn energy and intensity up [expletive], man wtf. No flow at all.
  9. Nice shot damn Neal, I'd want over Shannon Brown on our team. plus ur good lookin
  10. there u go my guy, btw our 2nd unit will energize us soon hun
  11. Looks like a 50 point game by LBJ but in a 2 point loss.
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