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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Just run and be patient and hold the clock battle. We need to play on all cylinders though.
  2. I'll give u a notice every step of this game hun.
  3. You guys should be winning by 20, CMON NOW/
  4. Thanks and no thanks for that offer. I'll be giving him that wax and a thick deep massage.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyF10_7zoik
  6. It's gonna be a war at gametime. Hope we shake up Cutler, he'll need some insulin.
  7. Hope u guys are ready, u sure were last time.
  8. Looking good for far, it would seem like a blessing for the NFC West. Owning haters and ESPN left and right.
  9. Legitttttttttttttttt, btw he is such a cutie pie.
  10. Go Green Bay, I want us to play Bears not Falcons.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQULIUXZst8
  12. Colts still will win, Manning is amazing.
  13. I can't tell if this is a season game or playoff game.
  14. Player of game will be Vinateiriirieri.
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