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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Nice win and clutchness by Manu. I wanted Denver to win though : (
  2. Chandler for now, I love Terrence though... like a lot. and I'm not even gay. Terrence Williams or Marcus Thornton?
  3. Which player(s) in the NBA do you think make the game look the easiest to them? You can name one or several. Don't have to be stars either!
  4. I think it's switching over to Thornton now, all he needs is minutes and will produce in an instant.
  5. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_X6r8gGWLdLg/TOV_pVanprI/AAAAAAAAAD8/p6PmwnPq7D0/s1600/felix-hernandez-heyman.jpg ----- http://blog.seattlepi.com/baseball/archives/231790.asp?source=rss
  6. We need to lower our shoulders and get on with it [expletive]ing [expletive]. Get this home win that will spark us the rest of the way, hope that Rams lose too.
  7. Still wanna Thompson? I discovered him b4 any1.
  8. Minnesota college team outside stadium i think
  9. He should come off the bench... Miller Matthews Batum Aldridge Camby
  10. I wanna see Monta explode in this Arena, go for 60+ man cmon.
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