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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. We need a big road win, but I'm feeling were barely gonna win this if we do actually win it lmao.
  2. allstar8533 (8:14:37 PM): im defrosting some expired pork in the microwave xmainev3nt (8:18:13 PM): who cares allstar8533 (8:19:16 PM): u xmainev3nt (8:19:22 PM): nope [expletive] u allstar8533 (8:19:28 PM): its like that? xmainev3nt (8:19:54 PM): no sorry xmainev3nt (8:20:05 PM): ure a nice guy i didnt mean it allstar8533 (8:20:26 PM): wow TY
  3. I see Larry Sanders going for 21pts-23rebs.
  4. Thanx, we'll see if it works! OMG I'm scared haha
  5. Anyway to make the Firefox stop crashing oh so often? IE never crashes it seems. Thanks in advance.
  6. Every human is different, I don't see the big deal...
  7. We freaking lost, can't protect the football or stop Charles or Bowe. ghetto
  8. Come on [expletive], we need this damn game.
  9. Defense should come natural, u can teach urself. To each his own tho.
  10. Monta is so good it's scary, plus he is foineeeeee lookin'.
  11. Go Florida State, Peter Warrick played thurr.
  12. All about my 2nd tier fantasy goalie Hedberg.
  13. --- http://www.portlandtribune.com/sports/story.php?story_id=129085384984275600
  14. I didn't post in that thread I rhink... hehe

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