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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. all about Matt Bryant. 52 yarder is my guess
  2. LeBron is all power and no technique, sad really.
  3. Wherz the T on LBJ. Sheed woulda got thrown out and fined wow.
  4. plus why have a presence don't low with below avg defense, ur a beast man. Love FTW
  5. There better be some offense in tha game man
  6. This is on TNT, awesome stuff. Go Boston
  7. forgive me? have dinner sumtime soon?
  8. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/718smiley.svg/300px-718smiley.svg.png
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOWnLqjF40g
  10. http://photo.maxim.co.uk/images/library_UK_239/larysa_poznyak_119947_7.jpg
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sxBcxYaZMc
  12. They did this on Sportscenter... Eagles 5-3 Giants 6-2 Packers 6-3 Falcons 6-2 Saints 6-3 Titans 5-3 Patriots 6-2 Ravens 6-2 Steelers 6-2 Jets 6-2
  13. I like Hibbert too much so I won't decide. Hibbert does put up some nice consistent numbers.
  14. Not to mention his good freaking looks.
  15. wtf man noooooooo I loved his commentation [expletive]. RIP
  16. Jazz scored in a hurry wtfinhell2thawow
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