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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. lmao raiders gonna score 145 plus tax
  2. It's all about Oregon and Boise State, how many times do some have to say it?
  3. Bump. http://www.nexwarecorp.com/images/hot-girl.jpg
  4. I'm more worried about Oregon State, scary rough game.
  5. tell them who's tha real national champ
  6. Thanx u 2. Were gonna open UCLA's mouth so wide open.
  7. You guys just don't care? See in tha National Title Game. quote it
  8. lemme gag on him all night long, and im not even gay
  9. Seahawks aren't gonna end up 5-11.
  10. I know this game isn't as hyped as at USC will be next week but still can't wait till it starts. Hopefully LaMichael James can stampede into 1st as a heisman candidate.
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