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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Fine, but u gotta slice some blood into life sometime man. oh my gosh
  2. I can check the yahoo fantasy site every 10mins and if sum1 drops out i will cut 1 manager and it will stay even so we can draft
  3. U can just kick them out and we can keep the league with 16-18 guys.
  4. You can transfer me as commish, you can trust me that ill make this happen. then ill transfer u back after the draft. im online all the time
  5. 2morrow is fine. ppl can pre-rank or they just get best playa avail'. i quit if its not 2morrow
  6. if u delete it, i can make another. for a draft on monday or sumshiznit. but cryz
  7. Too late. now u need a new draft draft. is this ur first time as a commish?
  8. It's your fault, ppl can drop out if they want. But I guess u didn't read what I said. Plus ur suppose to check the league on draft day like every 20mins to see if its full enough.
  9. Thanks my main man! THUG LIFE BABY. Money over [expletive]es

  10. Happy BDay RD, have a superb day and enjoy.
  11. just a minor 10 dollar bet threw tha envelope cash
  12. Will hurt ur team too, Wanna bet on the game? no spread
  13. Lemme guess he bombed it off........
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