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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Can i bump this at Halftime or will that be ghetto?
  2. There is no God, nor a Devil. don't get brainwashed....
  3. Happy BDay bigdog17k, hope ur having a superb day!
  4. He gets injured during the last week of the season with Lakers having the 1st seed. Misses the rest of the playoffs, but Lakers still win it all?
  5. For, everyone is overpaid. do ur job [expletive]
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsgfp0uaQSI&feature=related
  7. http://www.blogcdn.com/fantasy.fanhouse.com/media/2008/11/brandon-jacobs.jpgReport: Jacobs will ask Giants to trade him ---------------- --- http://www.rotoworld.com/content/Headlines.aspx?sport=NFL&hl=182710
  8. Down 0-14, we better not lose. we better not
  9. haha u wish some of you were good as ussssssssssss
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