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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Do u hate Simmons more or Skip Bayless more
  2. Yessir, just need that boost and confidence. I'm sure Bedard is the answer too.
  3. Conspiracy Groupies: Did big oil conspire to create the largest oil spill in history while shorting oil stocks? Did the CIA work with the Navy to destroy the horizon drilling platform to insure an alt-energy boom? Non-Conspiracy Groupies: 1 Big oil is distracted from running disinformation propaganda against new energy. 2 Hurricanes oil and tar will automatically re-pave many roads in bad repair. 3 Delapitated homes in the gulf will have their roofs re-tarred for free. 4 Auto industry will recover as thousands of cars will be destroyed with tar raining from the sky. 5 You won't have to bring charcoal to the beach for the grill. 6 The homeless will find cheap housing with an ocean view for the price of pop cans. 7 Seafood will finally be more expensive than gold. 8 Someone will have to ask if the 100 billion in subsidies went for a good cause. 9 It will finally be permissible to dump oil in the water ways because the Govt will let the biggest polluter go signaling a new precedence. 10 BP will have their name changed from British Petroleum to Biggest Pollute
  4. Teams will be crying after passing up on Paul George.
  5. http://www.slamonline.com/online/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/rajon_rondo_kobe_bryant.jpg cry babies
  6. did u see that fgt poser Suns fan fist pump after Kobe made that shot dude is wearing a Suns t-shirt... of course he's also a mexican
  7. Call 911, we smell blood on the road. Don't get blown out by 20+ now hun.
  8. Nash gun be watchin the World Cup hahahahahahahah.
  9. Were Champions, and we now blood on tha road.
  10. Can't wait till Kobe is back in, thats when the push happens like a stock. It's like a stock being upgraded. Suns don't stand a chance if it stays close.
  11. Good start but 1st Q means nothing. We suck on the road in the 4th Q.
  12. You might need some alcohol if we lose, hope your stocked.
  13. Bosh n Yao is scary. Maybe trade J.Hill and Scola and Lowry and a 1st for Bosh.
  14. Get better soon, sad to see. I'd probably be dead if it happened to me.
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