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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. This 2nd half half will be even more impressive by him. You'll see. He'll win it alone. Quote it. dont deny it
  2. You know what, let it go 7 games. Oh ya, since I live in Glendale I wanna take it too them 1nce it ends. It will be pretty.
  3. Anyone get Colt 45, 40oz's near them?
  4. Make it happen, even if we win it all. Sorry Bynum . So steamy, like coming out of the hot shower u took. Some change your username to SoSteamy
  5. Small is ok, just 1 though. Don't want her like a graffiti wall. Too many is a turn off, off like a light that is turned off. Someone change your username to TurnOff.
  6. What happens if we lose? sux cuz' it will go 7 games for sure. I want it over in 5, don't make me drink more Lakers.
  7. Yessiry, its pretty good. I like him better slow in some songs though.
  8. Southern California Tigard, Oregon Vancouver, Washington Beaverton, Oregon Glendale, Arizona
  9. We got graffiti here with OTR, just gonna join them.
  10. Gonna have some malt liquor ready for this one. We need everyone to step up, especially on defense. Kobe and Pau can't do erthing from now on.
  11. Blowout from the start again, Orlando has no passion and no faith. Bring your broom Pierce.
  12. Lovely legit answers, if only the whole world could view them. Great job on it, today is Monday btw.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb2iB9QagD4&feature=related
  14. Can't win them all, series might go 7 if we lose the next game too.
  15. All of a sudden my volume control on my computer is set to low now, and can't move it to the right to put it on high? what's the problem...
  16. Can't wait for it all to happen, this board will be popping with suspensions after the finals. Popping like pop pop. Someone change your username to PopPoP!
  17. http://www.homedepot.ca/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/catalog/15410.AD14082-Welcome-Bear_4.jpg
  18. He should be a starter by default. Nelson Carter Shard Bass Dwight rofl wow
  19. Nets woulda put up a bigger fight then Orlando
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