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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Boston is amazing and we'll love facing them.
  2. i'd rather have some drama, it will probably happen 1nce we beat PHX. and i cant wait
  3. I wear Lakers gear all over Arizona and never get [expletive]ed with? I love it. Phoenix as a city is a joke.
  4. Not to mention he's a showoff with no rings.
  5. not like it matters, u can have LBJ and u;d still suck with your coaching
  6. cmon Magic, can't beat Boston on ur court? wowwwwwwwwww
  7. underrated as they come, i'd rather listin to him rather then lil wayne and common
  8. How can u talk [expletive] when u get 3 rebounds? wtfinhell
  9. I wear my own gear here in PHX, gonna start a fight soon.
  10. They don't deserve max money, it's just that simple. Just like that, lemme see those pretty eyes/
  11. Lmao no way, more like 3 1sts n Harris
  12. http://www.prideofdetroit.com/2010/5/18/1477303/ufls-mountain-lions-to-sign-daunte
  13. We'll win again but by less then 10 points. I see a nice game from Brown this time.
  14. What upset, Boston winning again would be another upset.
  15. I wish I can party with her, great eyes and mouth.
  16. http://www.theworldlink.com/sports/article_e1cadfe4-3207-5d32-a20d-451a1eaf0f86.html I called Monty Williams to Philly long time ago.
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