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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. u don't even need a good QB on your madden team to win, you guys must suck at it.
  2. oh brother this will be a long year. Cliff Lee is back though
  3. ^ ya. Suns will win by 25 with ease. reverse jinx.
  4. Easy win for Portland looks like as of now. They should win tha series 4-2.
  5. and doctors told him the tear was pretty bad, but i don't think he's pushing himself too hard just gingerly.
  6. whenever Kobe has the surgery on the finger, what is the healing process duration?
  7. ----- http://www.rotoworld.com/Content/playerpages/player_main.aspx?id=1256&sport=NBA
  8. Anyone ever watch this on TLC? reality series
  9. Couldn't have said it better my friend, lets hope God is on our side...
  10. This Jazz team is scary good, Deron n Boozer is a dangerous combo to deal with.
  11. Does Adam Morrison's college prime count? he was like Larry Bird
  12. is Blount on 49ers or Titans?
  13. dunno why Stevenson gets no time, he can bring it hard and help tha Mavs
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