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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/384612_473358292683018_428130636_n.jpg
  2. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/269665_10151092366431100_1114680142_n.jpg
  3. http://i.usatoday.net/sports/_photos/2012/07/22/Lillard-impresses-Blazers-at-summer-league-E81TJEQT-x-large.jpgLillard: 'I want to be rookie of the year' ----------------- http://www.standard.net/stories/2012/08/04/lillard-credits-time-wsu-basketball-coach-rahe-leadership-skills
  4. http://www.nba.com/media/dleague/t_stotts_300_080107.jpg Terry Stotts hired as Blazers' new head coach -------------- http://www.csnnw.com/pages/landingblazers?Terry-Stotts-is-the-new-head-coach-of-th=1&blockID=753069&feedID=5212
  5. all my ex's are 40 oz bottles, i just get new ones daily
  6. http://images.inmagine.com/img/imagesource/is596/is596037.jpg
  7. I agree to ur challenge. Gluck sweetie pie, imma think bout this thing in tha shower daily
  8. im brain damaged and i think too much
  9. Seattle is better then SF, and will win the NFC West... all bout the NW and it aint no joke. just drama with major penetration
  10. Yes, potential to be like Dwight if he wants.
  11. NFC ROY Offense: Griffin Defense: B.Irvin AFC ROY Offense: Richardson Defense: Ingram Bold Prediction NFC Seahawks win the NFC Bold Prediction AFC AJ Green leads NFL in receiving
  12. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17ur204irbhscpng/original.png
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