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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. no but we can do Pau for Iggy and drink malt after
  2. i got RD's back and he's my best friend
  3. Thanks, he's 15... same bday as me.
  4. Putting our dog to sleep today : (
  5. What are some of your favorite canned foods?
  6. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/124/c/7/teenage_mutant_ninja_turtles_by_nebezial.jpg
  7. I love everything about him... his voice and wisdom. what about u?
  8. Do you travel a lot? on the road/plane. for vacations/work, etc. Thanks guyz
  9. where u gonna watch the game and how
  10. Leave Brown, GTFO. potato head glasses Pau, go to ATL dirty south for Marvin n JSmooth. Barnes, go do drugs somewhere else.
  11. if its close i hope Kobe and Co' can close it out
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