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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. http://a3.img.mobypicture.com/b3894c6adbd2f408aef74f16f4349d14_new_medium.jpg
  2. Keep the drama on the down low, it might kick up during the playoffs. Need to save our venom/energy.
  3. Yea scary if we can survive in the playoffs, need to figure out sumtin Brandon.
  4. miami needs to win this at home, how else will LBJ win it all. 6-8 rings
  5. http://www.undrcrwn.com/storage/TUPAC%20DUKE%20JERSEY.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1284398774466
  6. I'll give you my reason after who wins Finals MVP
  7. yeeeeeeeeeeeeee man just relax its only life
  8. Especially when it counts in the playoffs.
  9. Women are brought up with one goal in mind. To get married and be taken care of.. A Women's physcology says i can manipulate a man all i want to get what i want.. All i have to do is look good and i can get all the money i want. being a women has a lot more oppurtunities to "make it" than men
  10. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/545030_107668716032660_100003685964690_37138_787817440_n.jpg
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