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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Blazers claim J.J. Hickson off waivers ------------- https://twitter.com/#!/sam_amick/status/182589721422217218
  2. Do you think they can thrive in Portland and get their careers rolling on a bright note?
  3. Says its not okay to get an abortion even if the person is raped Cuz its "part of gods plan"
  4. what does the other team pay him if they want him
  5. were u scared when u went inside there, any shaking?
  6. u can sell it on craigslist easy for more
  7. sux for the 9ers facing us twice.
  8. always was a Seahawks fan, if ur talking to me.
  9. Bout time, yes, and maybe best QB in the NFL. Needs to show his stuff now.
  10. I hope it happens punk, then Kam will do this to Manning...
  11. http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/img/photos/2012/02/26/d1/32/25426973_1_t292.jpg?be5fae99f746c797f8cc5df587cd947ae6ab895d Alex Smith to visit Seahawks after Dolphins ----------- http://blogs.sacbee.com/49ers/archives/2012/03/source-alex-smith-to-visit-seahawks.html
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