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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. As an NFL fan, where would you like to see Peyton Manning play?
  2. I think OKC can beat anyone with homecourt
  3. Best division in the NBA by far and should remain that way throughout the season.
  4. Where is it at? maybe the Casino huh...
  5. Why isn't there interviews with him, all he does is sit around the couch getting paid. Do something other then sitting and feeling bad.
  6. Happy BDay MainEv3nt! ------------------------ http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l66/hunton/rock%20and%20lust/pic/happy-birthday-g.gif
  7. I love them like i love u hunnie. sweetie
  8. maybe ya : ( ill try updating my framework 1st
  9. I still have a problem with my Sony Vaio desktop, when browsing it's fine. But when i watch videos or youtube vids, after awhile the computer shuts off by itself... what can it be? maybe overheating problem?
  10. Win weirdos, by 30 at least. Win by a lot for once.
  11. Unique style with a mix of glory/perfection...
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