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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. This car is at auction 2morrow, hope it goes cheap... http://images.copart.com/website/data/pix/20111228/29469591_4X.JPG http://images.copart.com/website/data/pix/20111228/29469591_1X.JPG
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dEFON50dh8
  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/nationals-journal/post/nationals-still-pursuing-prince-fielder-met-today-with-agent-scott-boras/2012/01/11/gIQAX1IJsP_blog.html?wprss=nationals-journal
  4. I say Seattle, and it's most likely i love it
  5. if LeBron wants to be finesse, some muscle has to shed off him. He can't be like Jordan or Kobe
  6. its still a prblm. tha latest MIA-LAC post didnt even go to new content
  7. dont start Meeks if u not gonna play him damn, whats the point. i have him in fantasy.
  8. buy stuff at garage sales and return them to stores for store credit and sell salvage cars for a profit
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKhfdjkDbEg
  10. Gonna be fun to watch, i like this matchup.
  11. u don even trust ur own team. u thought u guys were gonna get owned
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