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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Very nice, potential to be the best player in the NBA... just needs to practice and relax a lil.
  2. --------- http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2011/12/with_raymond_felton_at_the_whe.html
  3. --------- http://www.suntimes.com/sports/basketball/bulls/9387625-579/kurt-thomas-leaves-bulls-for-trail-blazers.html
  4. Its so close hehe! btw u guys are stupid if u pick STL to beat SEA
  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/trans;_ylt=AjKA_7oIY7ukDVSBBRvvjQC8vLYF
  6. Teams shouldn't overpay for Paul, let Stern suffer...
  7. players need to stop choosing whee to go geez, go where Dwight goes? ok........... how bout u play for who's interested in you
  8. you are correct master! If you buy the top ramen noodle packs, u can add mushrooms and broccoli and maybe soy sauce, make it even better.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JAa0Jy3N6E&feature=g-u
  10. Do you ever take or think about deep thoughts? maybe... What should I post next on OTR? what thread to post in or should I make a new one? What should my next meal/drink be? How will the weather play out until the end of the day? can I walk somewhere? Are there any clothes/electronic at any stores for me to browse upon? ETC ETC... what do u do?
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