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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. we can cook food together maybe, compete and post pics. and ppl will vote on which looks more yummy
  2. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b351/regulator8534/Picture597_zpsdfe9ec40.jpg
  3. Win plz, even by 1. dont ruin my life and day more
  4. slice my neck with blood, wrong way to lose. i wish there was a bridge to jump off
  5. Cobb, want to do a $20 bet? paypal. no spread.
  6. http://www.gannett-cdn.com/media/USATODAY/gameon/2013/01/09/gty-159047072-x-large.jpg
  7. what a duo that makes the NW even more rosey
  8. OKC big, 117-94. reverse jinx (for u Shaliq) hehe hun
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