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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. who cares, Cadillac Williams will rush for 100+
  2. dont smoke it, sell it then. easy money. can make more then most ghetto jobs
  3. -------------- http://sandrarose.com/2011/09/nba-rookie-josh-selby-says-im-just-curious-not-gay/
  4. Weed isn't addictive, at least not for me. Alcohol is. I might have to go to detox to fix it, but if i wanna quit. But I won't quit.
  5. sometimes its nice to have injuries on ur fantasy team... just relax and let a random RB help you. its fun to experiment
  6. allstar8533 11:45 am hi asb100drunsb1ack 11:46 am im studying pendejo cant talk allstar8533 11:46 am dont post on otr then bout ganja
  7. Seattle came to play, nice defense at the goal line!
  8. Stafford cuz he throws to Megatron, Romo might get injured in the 1st Q.
  9. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b351/regulator8534/windowsXPwall.jpg
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