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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. getting closer, can't wait. it's gonna be amazing and gut wrenching
  2. my uncle is in Acworth, GA. how far is tha stadium
  3. Wilson is a rookie and won't melt, thats tha weird thing too. but doesn't have to sling it as much
  4. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/537777_10151257905501137_494080300_n.jpg
  5. we have something to look forward to then in this game
  6. if u get that score exactly right, I'll send you 15 chocolate bars of your choice.. (or any snack choices)
  7. DBF masterbates while playin........
  8. our lineup isnt even old dude. we have major swag and control
  9. if he kept playin more he coulda got 35+, hope he gets back in but doubt it
  10. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/boxscore?gid=2013010820 Reggie Evans sux at REB's
  11. Sacre finally gettin a chance, its called gaining confidence....
  12. wtf are u talking about, an opponent can change his style anytime.
  13. Someone do me a favor, own ECN with Seattle... Run Beast Mode on him and throw short passes. he won't be able to handle the drama.
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