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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. maybe its this one? http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.item.E167816.desc.HP-173-AMD-Quad-Core6GBRAM500GBHD-BluRay-9Cell
  2. Joel touches some people and they get happy and confidence for some reason
  3. i sell everything on craigslist in like 1 week max, it's easy.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av1_4ku_f2w&feature=relmfu
  5. http://gif.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/SPARX.gif
  6. You can't remove FG's, kickers from college go to the NFL and do be thangs. aka Vineeintnienrirri thruw tha snow
  7. Do u guys get scared when ordering food at a drive thru, like are u shy or shake at all?
  8. yah, beer there is like 75 cents sum1 said
  9. im glad this game is on, i got no malt liquor but its ok. nice to relax my depression
  10. beef, bloody rare. i shoulda had boiled crow
  11. ive been ready ever since u opened ur mouth for me
  12. u guys don't watch football wow? Austin amazing TD
  13. we woulda had them probably if we stopped him the 1st time : (
  14. Still butt hurt over NYG beating u guys in the superbowl?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crlXHll76qM&feature=feedlik
  16. its unpredictable so im not givin u advice
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