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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Fry;s grocery sux, sucky one next to me.... I had no license on me so they asked for my passport, ok? how does that make sense... Plus i have acne scars i look 30
  2. I'm drinking 15% wine and it's owning me bad.
  3. which team would u take for collecting NFL cards?
  4. i love it just like i love u, ur simply a gem....
  5. http://www.fugly.com/media/IMAGES/Babes/jessica-simpson-tongue.jpg
  6. I went to a chinese buffet yesterday, and I w ent to take a dump in the bathroom. On the wall it said if u believe in God, u should also believe in the Easter Bunny...
  7. http://i.iimmgg.com/images/gr/8420d9c929f8f11b783f6dc8f460c8bb.jpg http://i.iimmgg.com/images/gr/9ba0bc15acda78f3da371251c41ab70f.jpg http://i.iimmgg.com/images/gr/e898191768695dd9df30ebd4c7578bb9.jpg
  8. Nothing too special, Kinda simple and stuff... http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b351/regulator8534/Picture172.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b351/regulator8534/Picture173.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b351/regulator8534/Picture176.jpg
  9. Currently working on my Lakers designed bathroom, walls in bathrooms will be purple and Kobe glass framed posters. Should be nice. Will post pics when done...
  10. Have u guys seen this one......... pretty good. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108330/
  11. u stopped typing, and why isn't this game on ESPN? wack america
  12. Portland doesn't even need Roy. They are legit without him and Roy will never be a threat for major minutes.
  13. Portland won right, better then losing him for nothing!
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