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Everything posted by OldChili

  1. Umm... you think so much for yourself, that you dismiss one news outlet while declaring the other as the "truth." You guys really need to start thinking for yourselves rather than riding on the words of the likes of Glenn Beck.
  2. That's funny coming from someone who worships Fox News. Dictatorship? I'm sure Glenn Beck, Hannity, or O'Rielly probably used those exact same words.
  3. Thanks. I'm always on xfire. You can download it here. If you're interested, PM me and I'll give you my username and whenever you have a question or want some tips you can ask me. Thanks.
  4. You took that quote out of contest. We're talking about the health care reform, not the fairness doctrine or the cap and tax proposal. Just because you haven't found proof of it, means it's not true? It obviously effects you in some ways (taxes), but it does not effect who you see. You can still keep/choose your own doctor. Back to the USPS example; there are still companies like FedEx and UPS. How is your freedom limited there? First of all, I believe the percentage of people that are not currently covered is around 15%. Practically you're saying that amount of people should remain uninsured, because we'll have too many people that will actually receiving some kind of health care. I can't even begin to explain the many things wrong with that. And that last statement is purely your opinion, no facts. The idea of everyone paying an amount of their income for the benefit of all, is a socialist idea. That is not in the very least, a capitalist idea. There are hints of socialism in practically every government.
  5. OldChili

    I Kill People

    I found this guy a while ago, most of his videos/songs are pretty funny.
  6. Can you explain to me how the government is gaining more control over our lives? You can still choose the plan you want with whatever insurer you want. If you already have health care, you can keep it and it won't affect you. This is more for the people who can't afford it. If you hate socialism so much, stop traveling on public roads. Build your own road. I'm not going to debate socialism in this thread, but if you're going to criticize something, then do so with facts rather than pointless propaganda. I just don't see how the government is taking away any freedoms of mine with this plan. Probably, because it's not. It's obvious where you get your ridiculous claims from.
  7. Made a quick avatar for you. http://i27.tinypic.com/4fvgat.png
  8. http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0eSH4OxgdM5Zn/610x.jpg
  9. Well in this case, I had a dark grey background and added a couple of stocks set on multiply, darken, and soft light for the background. Then I slapped on the render, and set it to color dodge. Then I messed around with exposure and some gradient maps, added text and lighting, and that's about it.
  10. Looks much better than what you had previously.
  11. Haha, Hedo has two good seasons with Orlando and all of a sudden he's better than Carter. Hedo shoots a career average of 43%, compared to Carter's 45%. Last year alone Hedo managed to only shoot 41% while Carter managed to shoot a solid 44%. And that's not even factoring how much more pressure Carter faces, considering he's been the number one option on his teams for practically all of his career. And looking at last year alone, Hedo shot 35.6% from three compared to Carter's 38.5%. And it's not like Turkoglu was getting any younger; he's only two years younger than Vince. And as for passing, I disagree on that as well. Carter is an extremely under-rated passer. Turkoglu is only great passer/playmaker for his size. And unlike Carter, Hedo has more than two players he can pass to.
  12. Haha, I guess I blended him a bit too much.
  13. http://i30.tinypic.com/2evdxl4.png http://i30.tinypic.com/29dk1vn.png
  14. I'm not necessarily questioning what it's trying to do, but how it's going to do what it promises to do. Edit: I would say I support it, but I feel it would be wrong saying so when I don't know most of the facts on how his plan will work.
  15. Obviously there's more to it than that, which is why I'm a bit hesitant to say I support it when I don't know all the facts.
  16. Our health-care system definitely needs an overhaul, but I don't know enough information about Obama's health-care plan to make an unbiased judgment.
  17. Haha, out of all the people to make fun of Marbury.
  18. Who is more likely to lead their team to play good defense? I'll go with Billups, easily. Who would you take to take over your team's starting PG spot (assuming it's empty)? Depends on the team. If I'm the Nuggets, I'd rather have Billups. If I'm the Bobcats, I'd rather have Iverson. If either player can be put on the same team with the exact same roster, coaching staff, atmosphere, whose team would have more wins? Most likely Billups. Who is more likely to lead their team to championship now? Once again, it depends on the team. But if we're talking about the Nuggets, Billups.
  19. I agree with this. The better overall player is Kobe, but if I'm building a team I'd easily take Magic.
  20. Pretty sick, watched it over at Yahoo as well.
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