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Everything posted by Mentch

  1. Just wrote this article, check it out: Full Article
  2. Oh hell yes I fully support this idea This might be a basketball forum, but football is easily the 2nd most popular sport here, arguably the most fun to watch too
  3. It needs to be football season already!

  4. I'm sorry but soccer is SO boring to watch. What a fantastic tie! Its funny how the whole World Cup final can be summed up into a 10-second highlight reel

  5. Yeah i hate how soccer players fake injuries so much Its funny how this one player did that during the World Cup final, and then he realized that he didnt get the foul call, so he jumped up and injured the other player lmao
  6. Wow just noticed this but baseball, soccer, golf, and NASCAR all have no votes, and theyre the only ones that dont have a single vote either. Its funny how all of those sports are being discussed in the "Most Boring Sport to Watch" thread EDIT: oh yeah and football is the most exciting. its awesome to see how one team can beat another team in so many different ways EDIT2: also who the [expletive] voted for card collecting? LMAO
  7. Remember, we are not talking about playing the game. If you want that, then create your own poll Anyways, out of all the sports that exist, people think that soccer, baseball, and golf are probably the most boring to watch. I think soccer is the most boring because watching a bunch of skinny men running around in short shorts not touching a polka-dot ball with their hands is not exactly the way I want to spend my Saturday afternoon. I watched the World Cup final, and I want that 120 minutes of my life back
  8. Dont drop the soap!

  9. Oh dang, I saw this topic and I thought it was about my status in the sim league, lol But seriously, that sucks. I thought they did pretty good this year as well?
  10. STL10 is pissed at OTR, he thinks its run by a bunch of fake Lakers fans haha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JWaLL


      he wanted to feel important in life by being the first one to post every minor NBA news story that came out. i really hated that kid... im glad he's "OFFICIALLY" done with OTR lol

    3. Lone Wolf

      Lone Wolf

      Where did he say he was done with OTR?

    4. JWaLL


      He made a status update and then it was deleted.

  11. Currently unemployed, but I'm only 17 and I live at home, so I have an excuse I would apply somewhere, but most places drug test you
  12. Wow free agency is a joke, i thought it would be exciting

    1. AllenIverson#1fan


      dude it just started

  13. OTR Sim Leagues = fail

  14. No not at all, in fact I drive an Accord right now. I just don't like Camry's because they're basically a worthless car. And they're a Toyota, so they have more problems.
  15. I like basketball.

  16. You cant be serious about that car...
  17. Aw damn, I was trying to get to 365 posts before June 28 so I would average 1 post a day since the site opened. Oh well
  18. Yeah, but the representatives from the playoff teams "wouldn't be allowed to participate due to the chance of injury" and then all these alternates end up making it anyways, so you're looking at about the same thing that we saw this year with the Pro Bowl
  19. But more football is what the fans want, yes?
  20. Not trying to change the nature of the game, we all know and love it as it is, but wouldn't a Best-of-3 series, similar to that of every other sport except with less games, create a lot more interesting situations? For one, the main event, the Super Bowl, would be played just like the NBA Finals and World Series, with the first team to win 2 games becoming the ultimate champion. Also, this would be the same way that the other playoff series would be played. This would create a lot more chances for teams to regain themselves after an upset, for example, the Super Bowl 2 years ago, Patriots vs. Giants. Everybody knows the Patriots should have won that game. If they were given a 2nd chance to win, everyone knows they would have most likely won the next 10 matchups against the Giants. It's interesting to see how a scenario like that would have played out. Definitely would make it much more interesting to watch, especially the crucial game 3
  21. Haha im just messing around man On topic though, why don't the Warriors just trade up if they're worried that another team will take him? That seems like the most reasonable solution
  22. Another random thread, list some of the things that make you mad on a daily basis Here we go: - People that don't wipe the machine after they're done at the gym - Football offseason - Summer school - Fat teachers - People who try to look gangsta but fail - When somebody tries to be funny but fails - When other people kill that joke that wasn't funny to begin with - When somebody overdoes it when they're mad - Dallas Cowboys' fans That's all I got for now, I'll post more later
  23. Dang man, you're posting a [expletive]load of new topics about draft rumours, wanna give it up for a while? Lol
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