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Dwight Howard - "Kevin Durant is MVP"


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And he is absolutely right. A large majority here has no clue about the MVP vote, everyone just points out the stats and says LeBron deserves it. Durant is the most valuable player to his team than anyone else, what he has done to that team and make everyone better around him is remarkable. Without Durant, no where near a playoff team, without LeBron, the Cavs are still a playoff team. Stats dont win the MVP award, being the true leader for a team and changing around an organization and becoming the best scorer in the league is a real winner. Also, a player taking off games for his own rest is an MVP, no way, sounds like a celebrity to me and he will probably win it because the NBA is all about business, no pun intended.

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He said this on Jim Rome is burning right? I just turned it on and he was talking to Howard. But yeah, playing in the West with the big boys isn't easy and he clearly made it look easy by averaging 30ppg.

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Translation: "Durant is MVP because LBJ can't win it twice in a row".... it has always been this way, people always want the 'biggest surprise' to win MVP (Steve Nash?), but the fact of the matter if LeBron James is the best player on the best team in the league.... he does way more for the Cavaliers than Durant for the Thunder, and the Thunder do not have a crap supporting cast around Kevin Durant like everyone is making it seem.


Dwyane Wade and Dwight Howard should be ahead or right with Durant on the MVP ballot, who cares what your expectations were for the Thunder this year, it is completely irrelevant if they are a surprise..


I doubt you guys were calling for LBJ to be MVP all the years he led that horrible Cavalier team to 50+ wins in past years, so this case is no different.... Durant isn't even the undisputed 4th in MVP rankings, he is in the mix with Wade and D12.


Durant has literally nothing on LeBron James to win MVP this year, nothing. This shouldn't even be a discussion lol, Durant is having a nice year but isn't the MVP.

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  On 4/16/2010 at 8:48 PM, NeTs15VC said:

And he is absolutely right. A large majority here has no clue about the MVP vote, everyone just points out the stats and says LeBron deserves it. Durant is the most valuable player to his team than anyone else, what he has done to that team and make everyone better around him is remarkable. Without Durant, no where near a playoff team, without LeBron, the Cavs are still a playoff team. Stats dont win the MVP award, being the true leader for a team and changing around an organization and becoming the best scorer in the league is a real winner. Also, a player taking off games for his own rest is an MVP, no way, sounds like a celebrity to me and he will probably win it because the NBA is all about business, no pun intended.

Everything you said in this post can also be applied to LeBron. Add on to the fact that he's the league's premier player, on the best team, with outstanding numbers to boot, and you have your undisputed MVP.


Also, I hate the "his team would still be in the playoffs" argument. It's unfair to players on better teams, and it's not tangible. What's the drop-off in the level of play? How much worse is the team getting? How much does a player do for their respective teams? Those are the questions you should be asking. And what more, we're talking about LeBron and Durant here; they both have a sh-t-ton of value, so is it really ridiculous to look at other factors?

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  On 4/16/2010 at 10:14 PM, Legacy said:

LeBron is the best player on arguably the best team. While Durant is the most valuable player to his team. It should be KD, but it will be James.


Btw, the skin on the Magic forum is sick.


LeBron is way more valuable to his team. Does Durant carry the ball up the floor? Does Durant have every play run through him? Durant actually has a couple guys who can create for themselves, the Cavs don't really have anyone like that besides Jamison. The Cavs cast compliments LBJ perfectly, but let's not kid ourselves, a team full of role playing spot up shooters with solid D is not winning more than 25 games without the King.

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  On 4/16/2010 at 10:33 PM, Legacy said:

Take Durant off the Thunder and take James off the Cavs, which team would be better?


Both teams would be comparably bad so this point is pretty irrelevant to me.... a Wiz team led by Jamison was on pace for another horrid season, what was Mo while he was on the Bucks? The Cavs have a bunch of spot up shooters who get looks because of LBJ, take him away the open looks are gone.... who carries the ball 85% of the time like LBJ does? Delonte? Mo? Lol.... you get my point?


I don't get where this idea of the Cavaliers cast being somehow amazing is coming from, they are just a bunch of shooters who play defense, they compliment LBJ perfectly but without him they are just role players, and would struggle to win 25 games.

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  On 4/16/2010 at 10:33 PM, Legacy said:

Take Durant off the Thunder and take James off the Cavs, which team would be better?

OKC, but it's a marginal difference. See my previous post for a reply to that argument.


What you should be asking is "who does more for their teams?" Much better way to gauge value.


  On 4/16/2010 at 10:33 PM, travesy3 said:

LeBron is way more valuable to his team. Does Durant carry the ball up the floor? Does Durant have every play run through him? Durant actually has a couple guys who can create for themselves, the Cavs don't really have anyone like that besides Jamison. The Cavs cast compliments LBJ perfectly, but let's not kid ourselves, a team full of role playing spot up shooters with solid D is not winning more than 25 games without the King.

Here's my deal-breaker: is Durant as good as LeBron?

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He isn't right, and it's not even close. LeBron has what, 6 more assists per game? He's the one that makes his team better in that case. LeBron's also a better defensive player. LeBron won two games this season by not letting the other team get the last shot off. When he blocked Durant's shot and stole the ball from Wade.


LeBron: 2.5 assist to turnover ratio vs. Durant .9....Durant has on him the scoring title by just a bit. And LeBron did partially play a few games to end the season so he didn't have to score every game and very well could've won it. He's definitely a better FT shooter. But LeBron can rebound just as well as he can, and is better at every other part of the game, at least for now. Both great players, but for MVP, it is a clear cut candidate.

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A team isn't defined by the number of star players they have...just thought that needs to be put in the discussion, of course.


But I have no opinion on this, because whatever I say will be disregarded, because I am a Lakers fan...which means LeBron is the worst player in the NBA, in my eyes, and my IQ drops 140 points when I discuss basketball.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/19/2010 at 1:05 PM, bigdog17k said:

^ Well take Durant off the Thunder they don't make the playoffs, take Bron off the Cavs they make the playoffs still.


But LeBron's a better player.


So Dwight should never be in running for mvp because without him his team is still a 50 win team imo....


Westbrook is a stud....lmao the Thunder have like the best young core in the league and you guys are making it sound like Durant carrying the team to 50 wins.

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  On 4/19/2010 at 1:05 PM, bigdog17k said:

^ Well take Durant off the Thunder they don't make the playoffs, take Bron off the Cavs they make the playoffs still.

This argument would make more sense if the Thunder were 4th, but they were 8th. Yes he a great player and should be in the discussion for MVP and i would no issues if he won, but his team still finished in the final spot of their conference to make the playoffs. One finished with the best record in the league the other is 8th in their conference. I don't buy the validity of playoffs argument considering the difference in seeding for each's team

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  On 4/28/2010 at 11:40 PM, BasX said:

This argument would make more sense if the Thunder were 4th, but they were 8th. Yes he a great player and should be in the discussion for MVP and i would no issues if he won, but his team still finished in the final spot of their conference to make the playoffs. One finished with the best record in the league the other is 8th in their conference. I don't buy the validity of playoffs argument considering the difference in seeding for each's team


The Thunder were tied for 6th, 3 games behind 4th and 5 games behind the 2nd seed. In 2006 the difference between the 2nd and 3rd place teams (Mavs and Suns) were 6 games, Steve Nash won MVP. Its not Durant's fault he's playing in the toughest conference in NBA history. If OKC were in the East then they could easily be 4th or even 3rd and Durant would have the MVP all locked up.

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  On 4/28/2010 at 11:48 PM, Dash said:

The Thunder were tied for 6th, 3 games behind 4th and 5 games behind the 2nd seed. Its not his fault he's playing in the toughest conference in NBA history. If OKC were in the East then they could easily be 4th or even 3rd.

Tied for 6th still came out as 8th, 3 games worse in the conference than number 7 and 5 worse than number 6. Same Conference record as Houston. Also his team was 21-26 against teams above .500. I understand the love KD is getting he deserves it, but I don't see how this award is not LeBron's.

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  On 4/28/2010 at 11:59 PM, BasX said:

Tied for 6th still came out as 8th, 3 games worse in the conference than number 7 and 5 worse than number 6. Same Conference record as Houston. Also his team was 21-26 against teams above .500. I understand the love KD is getting he, deserves it, but I don't see how this award is not LeBron's.


He pulled the third or fourth worst team last season into the a tightly contested playoff picture. He's on a young team that is under the stress of moving up and down the standings almost daily and face 11 teams that could do some serious damage in the East. Of course they're going to lose those games.


Thunder are 24-8 (75%) against Lebron James' East. Compare that to...


Cavaliers: 38-14 (73%)

Magic: 39-13 (75%)

Hawks: 32-20 (61%)

Celtics: 33-19 (63%)

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