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RD2: (5).infinite vs. (4)Riot

Real Deal

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New rules for round two:


1) 16 lines max.

2) At least one of those lines must be about your opponent's favorite sports team (basketball, football, etc).

3) One line has to end with your opponent's display name on OTR. You can exclude numbers.

4) Cussing will be censored if you decide to use it. Don't bypass the censor with asterisks or other symbols.

5) If you say Dick Vitale's first name, please censor it yourself by typing [expletive]. In the manner it would be used in this contest, it should be filtered out.




After both competitors are finished, members can place their vote. Please explain your vote.


The lower seeds (in terms of position) go first. Based on this match-up, .infinite will be asked to post his, followed by Riot. You have two days to post.


Good luck, fellas. Run yo mouth! ;)

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It's not my responsibility to PM members and tell them about the contest. While the forum is down near the bottom of the board, so is the off-topic forum, and people don't have trouble finding it.


Riot, you have two days to post your rap. Once you do, you advance, unless you'd like to give .infinite more time for his.

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my bad i wrote my freestyle on another laptop, saved it, then completly forgot about this whole thing lol. ill try to get it on by tonight but if i cant you can take the W Riot i didnt realize how long this has been up sry guys

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Ok I'll go ahead and post mine.


Yo yo yo, I rap all day and I rap all night,

If you don't like it then you're in for a fright


If you have something to say then get out of my way,

Or there will be trouble to pay, what do you say?


This rap is from yawnsville because it is quite plain,

It has the same amount of skill as a song by lil wayne


And guess what, you're name is infinite,

but little do you know that I am 2 legit 2 quit


And what about your Celtics this year,

They're not doing that great I fear


The team seems like it has a lot of mean jerks,

Maybe they should hire Kevin Smith to be their coach, he's the guy who wrote Clerks


My flow is impeccable, magnificent and plush,

If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown then please flush

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