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Wow, I felt I got lucky but tell me what I should do.

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Well I did it, sadly I did it through e-mail and facebook, which wasn't the best connection to do it, but I did it. She told me she was flattered and thanks, because I had more to tell her other than that as well.

Seems like it was really bothering you, glad you got it off your chest.

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I kinda stole my last girlfriend. She was talking to some kid who used to go to our HS but was coming back and was actually already her prom date lol. Then at some retreat the whole HS went to at some camp, we started to talk n I basically committed the robbery as "The Situation" would say.


Long story short, she went to prom with me and we dated for 3 years. Broke up a month ago though.


/Goes to show getting emotionally attached to a chick while you're in HS is the worst idea that ever existed.

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The key is not to make it obvious to them. Being an [expletive] works more often than the whole nice guy act. Then once you have her in the bag you can be the nice guy.

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