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Wow, I felt I got lucky but tell me what I should do.

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Well, I'm a High Schooler and I'm willing to admit this. Anyways, Prom is coming up and actually tickets have been sold, I'm pretty sure they're done. Well, I got lucky and I'm saying this because.....earlier this year like Jan-Feb around this time, I planned on asking this girl who is a good friend of mine. Now, I have just recently started talking to her and I asked her if she was going to prom, and she said no but she planned on doing it next year with her boyfriend. I'm not sure why I feel lucky, but I feel like I was, probably because I saved myself the embarrassment from asking her only to get rejected because I was stupid enough not to realize that she had a boyfriend. Anyways, these weeks even before I found out she had a boyfriend when tickets were on sale, I wanted to at least inform her that I wanted to ask her, I just didn't have the time, I forgot and I was busy, because basically that was what happened. Would you at least inform a girl if you planned on asking her, but ended up not doing it?


This thread is somewhat pointless, but I've just had a completely [expletive]ty school year and I've been so [expletive]ing frustrated these past damn [expletive]ing months. I would just like to know what you would do in my situation.

Edited by Wade's World
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You can't be afraid of rejection my man, who cares if she says no,life goes on. It's not embarrassing at all. At least you know now it ain't gonna happen. Better to go on disappointed than worry about failing. Giving up is way harder than trying.


Only this situation it's different, if shes a good friend you may not want to tell her to make her feel awkward, if shes a just a regular friend, sure why not?

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You can't be afraid of rejection my man, who cares if she says no,life goes on. It's not embarrassing at all. At least you know now it ain't gonna happen. Better to go on disappointed than worry about failing. Giving up is way harder than trying.


Only this situation it's different, if shes a good friend you may not want to tell her to make her feel awkward, if shes a just a regular friend, sure why not?

It's not rejection I feel afraid of, at least anymore because I know what will come. I don't plan on going nor do I plan on asking, I think prom tickets are over anyways. Right now, I don't know whether or not I should just inform her to at least let her know that I was thinking about her and stuff and that I wanted to take her to a social date or whatever. She's not like a good friend as in I hang out with her all day. I talk to her and she's a nice friend, but she's not like a best/childhood friend of mine. She's not a childhood friend because then I would have zero problems telling her this. She's just a nice, pretty looking girl that I would love to take to a dance. I'll admit I like her a little bit, but I'm not obsessed with her.


When I was in Elementary school I was at my happiest. I miss those days.

Edited by Wade's World
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She has a boyfriend move on... bring it up if she breaks up with him and you make a move and start hanging out later on.

I have moved on, but there's this instinct in me that just wants to let her know, I mean even said to myself before asking her this that in case it backfires, that I would at least let her know.

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if you really want to then go for it especially if its just telling her and not that u dont have feelings for her. as long as you don't make it awkward its good

Yeah I'll definitely try to keep the awkward level down...I won't admit that I liked her, mainly because I didn't, well at least compared to other girls. Honestly, the main reason why I targeted to ask her was because I thought she would say yes. She seemed way too nice of a person to say no...to almost anyone (not just me) and she's a great person in general.


Either way, Junior Year is easily the worst school year in all of school levels in general. Nothing has gone right for me......at least when I look at them from where I'm looking at them.

Edited by Wade's World
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Yeah I'll definitely try to keep the awkward level down...I won't admit that I liked her, mainly because I didn't, well at least compared to other girls. Honestly, the main reason why I targeted to ask her was because I thought she would say yes. She seemed way too nice of a person to say no...to almost anyone (not just me) and she's a great person in general.


Either way, Junior Year is easily the worst school year in all of school levels in general. Nothing has gone right for me......at least when I look at them from where I'm looking at them.


dont even trip, senior year will be your best

Edited by Lemon
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Well looking at a new day, it isn't so bad, still some frustrations in my head. Still, it pains me to see that every girl I like, respect or am friends with either has a boyfriend or likes someone else.

Dude, you're not over her lol

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Yeah this kinda reminds me of what happened to me pretty recently


Alright so like during spring break i met this girl i liked, and im pretty sure she liked me too. She lives kinda far away though, like 15-20 mins driving time. So we kept trying to hook up w/each other, like this one Friday night, she really wanted me to come see her, but I couldnt sneak out because my mom was sleeping in the living room right by the garage.


I guess i felt like she was my fallback option if things didnt work out with other ppl. And like my friend told me he was gonna go to one of those prom afterparties and i was like "well maybe i can go w/her, she'd probably go w/me"


And then some [expletive] happened a few days later and I got my phone and car taken away for a while


So when I finally got it back a couple of weeks later, I kinda forgot about her, especially since prom was already over. So then a couple of weeks later, i called my friend and i was like "u think u could hook me up w/her" and he was like "oh she has a bf now"


and i got pissed off and i wanted to talk to her about it. so he put her on conference call and i was like "wtf happened?" and she was like "u missed ur chance! if u came out here that night we probably would've hooked up but u waited too long"




yep, nothing feels worse than getting screwed over...




if shes a good friend, then go ahead, tell her, its not like its gonna ruin ur friendship that much. maybe at first, but then its a 1-second awkward moment and then its over

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Yeah this kinda reminds me of what happened to me pretty recently


Alright so like during spring break i met this girl i liked, and im pretty sure she liked me too. She lives kinda far away though, like 15-20 mins driving time. So we kept trying to hook up w/each other, like this one Friday night, she really wanted me to come see her, but I couldnt sneak out because my mom was sleeping in the living room right by the garage.


I guess i felt like she was my fallback option if things didnt work out with other ppl. And like my friend told me he was gonna go to one of those prom afterparties and i was like "well maybe i can go w/her, she'd probably go w/me"


And then some [expletive] happened a few days later and I got my phone and car taken away for a while


So when I finally got it back a couple of weeks later, I kinda forgot about her, especially since prom was already over. So then a couple of weeks later, i called my friend and i was like "u think u could hook me up w/her" and he was like "oh she has a bf now"


and i got pissed off and i wanted to talk to her about it. so he put her on conference call and i was like "wtf happened?" and she was like "u missed ur chance! if u came out here that night we probably would've hooked up but u waited too long"




yep, nothing feels worse than getting screwed over...




if shes a good friend, then go ahead, tell her, its not like its gonna ruin ur friendship that much. maybe at first, but then its a 1-second awkward moment and then its over


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Yeah this kinda reminds me of what happened to me pretty recently


Alright so like during spring break i met this girl i liked, and im pretty sure she liked me too. She lives kinda far away though, like 15-20 mins driving time. So we kept trying to hook up w/each other, like this one Friday night, she really wanted me to come see her, but I couldnt sneak out because my mom was sleeping in the living room right by the garage.


I guess i felt like she was my fallback option if things didnt work out with other ppl. And like my friend told me he was gonna go to one of those prom afterparties and i was like "well maybe i can go w/her, she'd probably go w/me"


And then some [expletive] happened a few days later and I got my phone and car taken away for a while


So when I finally got it back a couple of weeks later, I kinda forgot about her, especially since prom was already over. So then a couple of weeks later, i called my friend and i was like "u think u could hook me up w/her" and he was like "oh she has a bf now"


and i got pissed off and i wanted to talk to her about it. so he put her on conference call and i was like "wtf happened?" and she was like "u missed ur chance! if u came out here that night we probably would've hooked up but u waited too long"




yep, nothing feels worse than getting screwed over...




if shes a good friend, then go ahead, tell her, its not like its gonna ruin ur friendship that much. maybe at first, but then its a 1-second awkward moment and then its over

I feel ya, except I'm not really looking for some vagina....well not with the girls I'm talking about. :D Anyways, I repped you for your giving me a good story especially a one that relates to mine.


I feel like another girl who I recently became closer friends with than earlier this year, that I'm a fallback option for her. Like I feel like if she ever broke up with her current boyfriend, she would consider me an option....at least...Trust me, if she was single, I'd be hunting her down like Milf Hunter. :lol:

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I feel ya, except I'm not really looking for some vagina....well not with the girls I'm talking about. :D Anyways, I repped you for your giving me a good story especially a one that relates to mine.


I feel like another girl who I recently became closer friends with than earlier this year, that I'm a fallback option for her. Like I feel like if she ever broke up with her current boyfriend, she would consider me an option....at least...Trust me, if she was single, I'd be hunting her down like Milf Hunter. :lol:


Ha well just wait, it cant last forever, then go for it, u gotta get over that other person eventually right?


and i repped back

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My girl was "talking to" some dude back in high school when I wanted to go after her, so I said [expletive] it and did it anyway... That was 8 years ago and we're still together, she's the love of my life.


Moral of the story: Go for it, have no regrets.

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