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Started working out recently but I didn't lose too much strength. Bench max went down to 220 but I started doing some different things in the gym.


- Decline bench: Start with 135lbs and go up from there

- running a mile after each workout

- new version to skull crushers

-crazy medicine ball sit-up activity after the workout

- adding in a lot more legs


I'm seeing the results already from all the new stuff. Gaining my strength back quickly but I'm getting more cut while still lifting a lot of weight.

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  On 2/17/2011 at 2:02 AM, Cobb said:

Looking for a good nutrition bar to start eating. Any recommendations?


Power Bar? I'm not really good with nutrition bars but I definitely recommend Isopure whey protein shakes for after your workouts. Muscle Milk always was good for me as well.

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Thats cool. I started bulking up this month. Trying to eat a lot. I am also taking whey protein shake too. I went down in bench and other stuff but I am getting my strength back to I was. I can tell I am much stronger than before. I am looking good

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  On 2/17/2011 at 2:17 AM, Flash said:

Power Bar? I'm not really good with nutrition bars but I definitely recommend Isopure whey protein shakes for after your workouts. Muscle Milk always was good for me as well.

I'll check them out. I basically just need one with about 200 calories, less than 25 grams of sugar, and at least 10 grams of protein.

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  On 2/17/2011 at 2:29 AM, Jenneral said:

I started lifting 2 or 3 months ago. I take whey protein after every workout.


What are your recommendations for slimming up while also gaining muscle mass?


Cardio and legs. Cardio is very, very important to getting cut.

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  On 2/17/2011 at 2:39 AM, Jenneral said:

I run 2-3 miles probably 3 times a week... and always on my two days "off" from lifting. Doesn't seem to be doing anything though. <_<


That's pretty good. Look it up on google. I'm sure some people online can answer it better than I could.

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I'm trying something new supplement wise. I just ordered some fish oil pills. I'll try to keep you guys updated on how it works it.


As of now my stack is just protein, creatine mono, and the fish oil.


Anyone looking to buy a pre-workout such as Jack3d or Superpump I highly recommend against it. I've heard it works for some people but for me it was just a big waste of money.

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I am 6'1 and I weight about 160....I am trying to get to 175 and 10% body fat, right now I am at around 13%


I am not sure if I should continue to eat like a beast to get to 175, because that would pretty much just increase my body fat. I am working out and doing cardio, but its really getting nowhere because I am eating like a beast and then running it off three times a week. I have gained like 2 pounds by doing this though, and its only been about 2 weeks.

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According to the National Institutes of Health, omega-3s trigger “I’m

full” signals to the brain and help quash hunger signals. Research has

also shown that fish oil improves the efficacy of exercise in reducing

weight. Volunteers who were given fish oil diet showed greater weight

loss as compared to those who did not consume fish oil diet. Exercise

combined with fish oil had a positive effect on the body shape and

body composition of the patients.


Pretty much to help cut the baby fat I put on while bulking during the winter.

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  On 2/17/2011 at 3:28 AM, Jenneral said:

So since I'm trying to slim down while building muscle mass, fish oil to go along with my protein wouldn't be a bad idea? Might try it out.

I don't know for sure since I haven't tried them out yet.


But they were pretty damn cheap so it was worth trying to experiment with lol.

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  On 2/17/2011 at 3:11 AM, SRV said:

I am 6'1 and I weight about 160....I am trying to get to 175 and 10% body fat, right now I am at around 13%


I am not sure if I should continue to eat like a beast to get to 175, because that would pretty much just increase my body fat. I am working out and doing cardio, but its really getting nowhere because I am eating like a beast and then running it off three times a week. I have gained like 2 pounds by doing this though, and its only been about 2 weeks.


Don't do cardio. You'll burn the fat off in the gym, but cardio is only going to make you lose weight instead of gain it. Lift, and get on a weight gainer would be my advice. I went from 185 to 210 in a few months. It was insane.

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  On 2/17/2011 at 7:00 AM, Legacy said:

Should you take whey protein while you're trying to burn belly fat?



Also, no such thing as burning belly fat man. You can't target where you will lose weight. :lol:


Just do more cardio, and eat about 500 calories less.

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If you are bulking up and you want to build some mass on do not do cardio because you will lose some weight. I'm going on a crazy bulk plan and i am not running. I lift 4 days a week and do my abs 2x a week.


I am eating chicken breasts, tuna, eggs, peanut butter, turkey, oatmeal, fruit and green food. You should try eat that. I drink protein shake after my workout and before I go to bed.

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See what I do is sprint on the treadmill on the day I workout my legs, since I really just want my calves to be toned. They are big, but only when flexed...I am assuming thats just body fat. So if I just eat a lot, and then lift, will my body fat increase, or will the lifting burn the fat just as well as running? I just don't want to go in reverse since I want my abs to show so I am trying to get to 10%.


Basically I am trying to gain 15 pounds and get to the point where my abs show. I am naturally skinny, so I am not concerned about ending up looking fat (since it can't happen), I just want to look "bigger" and get my abs showing.

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  On 2/18/2011 at 2:22 AM, Jenneral said:

Do any of you do pushups and situps every night?

i used to, only pushups though. i could only do like 25 then it gradually went up 50, 75 then 100, i think i got to 250 took me about a year maybe more

im no expert but visually your probably not going to see much 'improvement' but it made me feel stronger and help me maintain my strength. it kinda became a thing i had to do every morning and night or else it through me out of whack, it was a good quick pump (no pun) before school started

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