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Official "Health and Fitness" Thread


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  On 6/5/2010 at 1:17 AM, Jammin said:

I've lost 3 lbs since I've been in Arizona. It's probably just water weight, but I'm also in 110 degree weather and sweating every time I step out of the door hahaha.

Well no wonder. How long have you been out in Arizona?

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  On 6/3/2010 at 8:35 PM, Cobb said:

I don't take anything at the moment. Main reason being because I have no idea what is good and what's bad. :lol:

Just stop by a GNC or Vitamin World and one of the employees will help you out. I'd do this ASAP because taking supplements really amplifies your workout. Right now all I take is whey protein, probably all you need too.

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  On 6/5/2010 at 3:30 AM, Fish7718 said:

Just stop by a GNC or Vitamin World and one of the employees will help you out. I'd do this ASAP because taking supplements really amplifies your workout. Right now all I take is whey protein, probably all you need too.

I guess I'll have to do that. How much do supplements usually run for though?

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  On 6/5/2010 at 3:33 AM, Cobb said:

I guess I'll have to do that. How much do supplements usually run for though?

Mine last a month really if you make 1 a day and it was about 20 dollars...but take metabolism pills / other vitamins can help you too...my suitemate used him and he went from oompa loompa to normal in 1 year at school and he didn't even work out that much

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  On 6/5/2010 at 4:45 AM, Jammin said:

^That's why you go to GNC and just tell them your situation and they'll tell you the right stuff to take.

Unless you are made of money, I would recommend ordering them from online.

I'm currently taking Myofusion, Jack3d, and a multi.

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  On 6/5/2010 at 5:49 AM, Jammin said:

I used to work at a store right beside a GNC in my city and I was always in there looking around. Nothing seemed that unreasonably priced to me.

Haha, I used to think the same thing until I started doing some research and comparing the prices and products.

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  On 6/4/2010 at 3:36 AM, EastCoastNiner said:

Too bad you're wrong, just like in the other thread where you said you were just being a troll. It's not unhealthy to lose more than .5 pounds in a week. :lol: . I'm doing P90x, and people lose 20+ pounds in a month, and they are perfectly healthy, and in better shape than most people, so your information is not credible.

But the thing is, I WAS trolling in that thread. I'm not here because I'd actually like to help a few people, whether people choose to listen is up to then.


It's not credible? Are you stupid? Look at my first post in this thread and read that book before you say something as idiotic as that. The author has his Ph. D, more credentials than you have LOL.


It's MOST healthy to lose .5 per week. Just as you become fat slowly, over years you must lose fat slowly as well. When you remain at a particular level of fat for over a year or two, the body develops all the adipose cells, capillaries, enzyme counts, peripheral nerves, hormone and connective tissue to support it. It comes to recognize that level of fat as self and will defend it vigorously, that is your fat point. It's monitored by hormonal messengers like glycerol which warn the brain if even a single ounce of fat is used as fuel. So the usual form of dieting (including 20+ pounds in a month, ridiculous) can't possibly work. It will slow your metabolism, increase the fat storage and increase your appetite.


After studies at the Colgan Institute, it's been proven that the most a person can reduce their food intake to reset the fatpoint is 10% per day. Any more than .5 pounds of fat loss per week is a warning that you are reducing too much. It's a slow process but the reward is a great, healthy body.


Likely if you're losing 20+ pounds a month you are losing A LOT of muscle too, people don't get that. It will give you hell in the future but if you're looking for the quick fix (as most Americans are) go with your 20+ pound per month losses LOL.

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I just bought 'Gold Standard' whey protein and a multivitamin packed with amino acids. I asked for help at The Vitamin Shoppe and that's what he said was best to do when starting to work out. I took tropical punch for my whey, which i think was a bad choice because it smells like medicine.

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  On 6/11/2010 at 7:44 PM, Jammin said:

And I'm downloading P90x right now.. I don't think I'll follow the nutrition plan, but I'll do everything else. I'm going to be so dead after doing this and going to the gym everyday jesus.

Haha, my friend sent me the nutrition guide and it's like 120 pages. I glanced over the first 20 or so pages and was like [expletive] it.

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  On 6/11/2010 at 7:46 PM, Cobb said:

Haha, my friend sent me the nutrition guide and it's like 120 pages. I glanced over the first 20 or so pages and was like [expletive] it.


It's not complicated at all.


There are only like 10 pages that you really ever have to look at because the rest are just recipes. If you want results, you NEEEEEEEEEDDDDD to follow the nutrition plan.


Also, I am using Gold Standard Optimum Whey Protein powder, which tastes good, and has 24g of protein/serving.



Also, I could give two [expletive]s if that guy has a PhD because there are many doctors, nutritionists, and trainers that would disagree with him.

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I just bought Gold Standard Whey, which flavor did you get? DO NOT get tropical punch, it tastes like [expletive]ing medicine, it's gross. I just bought frozen berries and juice to mix in with it because I can't stand drinking it.


And my friend did P90x and didn't follow the nutrition plan and lost 28 lbs and 8% body fat (wasn't a big dude to begin with either, maybe 5'8, 185 lbs)


And Travesty... Download a torrent client (I use BitLord, you can use BitTorrent, or anything like that, but BL is easiest for me). Once you have that and install that, all you gotta do is go to torrentz.com, search for whatever you need, click on the top website [not sponsored website], find the download button and click OPEN not SAVE. It should download in 1 second, and open up in your client, and all you do is click 'OK' and it starts downloading. I'll PM the link I used to save you time for this instance. Torrents are an awesome way to download movies and computer programs.

Edited by Jammin
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  On 6/12/2010 at 4:45 AM, EastCoastNiner said:

It's not complicated at all.


There are only like 10 pages that you really ever have to look at because the rest are just recipes. If you want results, you NEEEEEEEEEDDDDD to follow the nutrition plan.


Also, I am using Gold Standard Optimum Whey Protein powder, which tastes good, and has 24g of protein/serving.



Also, I could give two [expletive]s if that guy has a PhD because there are many doctors, nutritionists, and trainers that would disagree with him.

Obviously, you'd get results faster but I'm not looking to lose much weight. I'm 198 right now and only looking to drop to around 185 or so.

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  On 6/12/2010 at 6:17 AM, Jammin said:

I just bought Gold Standard Whey, which flavor did you get? DO NOT get tropical punch, it tastes like [expletive]ing medicine, it's gross. I just bought frozen berries and juice to mix in with it because I can't stand drinking it.


And my friend did P90x and didn't follow the nutrition plan and lost 28 lbs and 8% body fat (wasn't a big dude to begin with either, maybe 5'8, 185 lbs)


And Travesty... Download a torrent client (I use BitLord, you can use BitTorrent, or anything like that, but BL is easiest for me). Once you have that and install that, all you gotta do is go to torrentz.com, search for whatever you need, click on the top website [not sponsored website], find the download button and click OPEN not SAVE. It should download in 1 second, and open up in your client, and all you do is click 'OK' and it starts downloading. I'll PM the link I used to save you time for this instance. Torrents are an awesome way to download movies and computer programs.


I used chocolate, and mix it with skim milk, and it tastes like chocolate milk. I like the powder I got from beachbody(P90x company) better, but the chocolate with milk is really good.

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  On 6/12/2010 at 4:45 AM, EastCoastNiner said:



Also, I could give two [expletive]s if that guy has a PhD because there are many doctors, nutritionists, and trainers that would disagree with him.

Disagree with him on what though? lol, nothing that I just stated is opinion - it's called simple biology and common sense brotha. not only that but i would rather listen to a guy with a PhD then a personal trainer LMAO, he's worked with Olympians, Bodybuilders, football players, etc - who has the average doctor (who doesn't have as much knowledge in fitness and sports nutrition) worked with ?


you do realize A LOT of doctors, nutritionists, and trainers are working on their own personal agendas right? of course their going to coincide with whatever will make them quick money with minimum effort.



Right now all I'm taking is Fish Oil and Whey, no real point in anything else at this stage of fitness level.

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