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My brother bought a PS3 today, and it has really screwed my internet over.


On XBL, everytime I play Call of Duty, the game loads, but as soon as it starts I get kicked out and it saids server is too full, and then my game freezes and I have to go to the dashboard. It is getting really annoying, wondering if any of you two console owners have this problem.

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It started with my laptop, everyone's laptop had internet except mine, for some reason it was connected to someone elses router rather than the one I always use. The I went on XBOX and I could talk to my friends and join parties on COD and all that but then it went down hill. I played one round of demolition and I got kicked, then I couldn't even join a party or a game until I turned off my xbox. Then I couldn't connect to XBL even though my internet was working, and then I joined another game and as soon as it started I got kicked.


Its really weird to explain, but yea, its screwing with the connection in my room only pretty much. I know its the PS3 because the second my brother hooked it up online I got screwed over.

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