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Philadelphia Phillies 2009!!


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Hahaha....that's a good picture. I liked Shane's interview after the game, he wasn't mad or anything, he just said "gotta give that guy credit he had perfect timing".


Also, Michael Taylor went 5 for 5 and hit for the cycle in triple-A Lehigh Valley. Domonic Brown is playing very well in AA too. Glad we didn't trade those guys.

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Pedro's a beast. I love him.


Apparently Jamie Moyer is pissed about the signing though, or at least that's what they said on ESPN. I guess I understand why he'd feel that way but Jamie hasn't been playing too well this year.


He felt "disappointed and misled" because Amaro assured him during contract negotiations this past offseason that he would remain in the rotation. I really love Jamie and he has always been a class guy but he definitely should not have said that..comes off as very selfish. He is lucky the Phillies regard him so highly or he never would have gotten a multi year contract, and he certainly would have been released by now. I think now that the initial shock has passed him by he is accepting it, and he said he is willing to help the team whereever he can. Unfortunately, I don't see him being too successful in the bullpen either, unless Charlie really does a good job picking his matchups.

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Also, I like how that jackass Cubs fan threw the beer on Shane and they arrested the wrong guy haha. If that would have happened in Philly, ECN would have started another thread about how terrible Philadelphia fans are and the media would have been all over us, but it is in Chicago so it will just get blown over as "an isolated incident".


absolutely. if that happened in philly people would be going crazy, but it was in chicago and its no big deal. the interview with shane was pretty funny though




and of course moyer is gonna be upset. he lost his spot in the rotation, every pitcher will be mad about that. happened to happ at the begining of the year and then park a little later. promises about starting mean nothing. the team has to do anything they possibly can in to improve, and if that means breaking a promise to a player then too bad.

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It is really easy to blame Lidge because of how horrible he has been this year, but today for a change his pitching was not the reason they lost. It was his errors combined with Utley's (well primarily Utley's, because that set up the bunt situation), and the offense's lack of hitting with RISP which was responsible for it being a 1 run game instead of a 3 or 4 run game.


But I would like to see how many one run saves Brad Lidge has blown this season when the leadoff man has gotten on base. I'd be willing to bet he has blown the majority of them. He cannot hold runners on base and cannot field his position (especially bunts), so it is an automatic man in scoring position with less than 2 outs. Obviously, today the leadoff man got on because Chase Utley could not make a play that was albeit difficult but one he usually makes, and then Lidge predictably [expletive]ed up fielding the bunt. To compound the issue and actually lose the game, he tried making a play anyway and threw the ball up the right field line, which allowed the tying run to score and the go-ahead run to get to 3rd. From there it was the standard intentional walk and pitch around to load the bases and create a force at every base. Lidge actually handled this decently getting Ryan Church to strike out, and Martin Prado to hit a ground ball that is easily an out and likely a double play if the infield is not drawn all the way in.


Needless to say, it is easy to bat against Brad Lidge if it is a one-run lead going into the 9th....get the leadoff man on and it's almost a guaranteed tie game. Lidge actually pitched about as well as he has pitched in weeks today (slider was sharp and he kept his fastball down...everything Atlanta hit was on the ground and should have been an out), and that is the reason I will not choose today to call for his head. I wanted him out of the closers role after Tuesday's blown save, but he has had back to back days of not getting hit hard so I can't be too pissed for that. Lost today because of his mental error and the Phillies lack of hitting with runners in scoring position.

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5-1 road trip (should have been 6-0) against two pretty good teams...I will take it. The schedule looks pretty easy for the next 10 games (D-Backs, Mets, Pirates), but it goes without saying that in baseball you never know what can happen.


D-Backs series matchups:


Tuesday: Pedro Martinez vs. Jon Garland

Wednesday: Cliff Lee vs. Dan Haren (!!!)

Thursday: Joe Blanton vs. Doug Davis


I am going on Tuesday and wish I was going on Wednesday.

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[expletive] you! i am going to break into your house and steal your tickets


I was praying that I could find reasonably priced tickets for Wednesday on StubHub and then get a group to go...that would be so awesome and it is the best pitching matchup the Phillies have been involved in all year.


But as for you trying to steal my tickets...




Who is this manly man?

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20 games over .500. Starting pitching has been just dealing lately, from top to bottom.


Matchups for Mets series...


Tomorrow: Cole Hamels vs. Mike Pelfrey

Saturday: JA Happ vs. Tim Redding

Sunday: Pedro Martinez vs. Oliver Perez

Monday: Cliff Lee vs. Bobby Parnell

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And Cole Hamels has absolutely no control tonight, as usual. He has hit two guys tonight with 2 strikes on them. And he missed horribly on the pitch that Francouer hit for a homerun.

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Cole Hamels really needs to develop a solid third pitch. He is so predictable right now. Whether it is working on his curveball so he has the confidence to throw it more, or developing a slider, he really needs something else to keep hitters guessing. Also I think he might be tipping his pitches. I have not noticed it but some people claim his delivery is slightly different when he is throwing his fastball as opposed to his changeup. His changeup is filthy but it is useless when the opposing team can sit on his fastball. To make things even worse, when he cannot locate the fastball at all like he was doing tonight, he has almost no chance at success.


Never thought I would say this but out of our 5 starters, I have the least amount of confidence in him right now. I am even more confident in Pedro Martinez, who is still highly unpredictable at this point. Cole and Rich Dubee really need to use this last month and a half of the regular season to get his mechanics straightened out so he doesn't tip his pitches anymore, and to add in a solid third pitch. We need him to be that second ace come playoff time (knock on wood).

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Yeah, forgot how sensitive Phillies fans are to a celebration.


Sarge is a Cubs fan.


And I'd venture to guess that every National League team hates the Mets for that very reason, K-Rod in particular. At least Reyes, the master of the sac-bunt dance, or the tag-from-2nd dance is not around to irritate anybody this year.

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Sarge is a Cubs fan.


And I'd venture to guess that every National League team hates the Mets for that very reason, K-Rod in particular. At least Reyes, the master of the sac-bunt dance, or the tag-from-2nd dance is not around to irritate anybody this year.

Awww boo hoo, I don't think the Mets care if they are hated. If your going to hate them for such a small thing like then I don't know what to tell you.

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Awww boo hoo, I don't think the Mets care if they are hated. If your going to hate them for such a small thing like then I don't know what to tell you.


Alright, good luck convincing the millions of other baseball fans who feel the same way.

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Also, back to Hamels...I really thought tonight could be the night he got back on track. He usually gets extra fired up for games against rivals, and even though this rivalry isn't the same as it was last year, there is still hatred between the two teams. Also, he has had trouble with homerun balls lately, so I thought going to Citi Field might save him a run or 2. But I guess when you throw a flat fastball right down the middle of the plate to Jeff Francouer, it is going to get hit out no matter which stadium you are playing in.


Excited for Happ tomorrow, though.

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