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Rep System Usage?


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I don't see it being used much to be honest, but I think with maybe something such as "post of the week" or something like that, based off of kudos or + rep or whatever it's called, the system would work slightly better IMO.


I also feel like adding a - rep button would be good, so that spammers, jerks, etc. can be quickly noticed by the "-10" by their name. That brings me to another thought, it wouldn't have to be big but somewhere on your profile to the left of your posts having a display of your rep would be good, just as a stat for newer guys, etc.


Just wondering, also not sure if there's plans for other things I don't know about.






Thanks B, skin looks good and the team rep works. :D

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Post of the week would be tough to judge IMO. But I do agree that the rep system isn't used much. Not sure how I ended up with 9 lol. I think the negative rep is an ok idea, but if someone is just spamming, the report button is probably more useful to get them noticed by the staff.


Overall, I agree the reputation system could use some revamping.

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Negative rep is horrible..simply by stating your opinion on something people will disagree and give you negative rep you don't deserve. I have 1 positive rep and I don't know how I got it lol.

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Well, America is a very small percent of 'football' viewers, and it's almost universally known as football, or futbol, etc. We're just weird in America.





idk, the rep system seems like it's not used for anything, but it's still there.

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