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Do you think you will stop playing video games?


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Do you feel that you will grow out of playing video games one day? Like, they just don't interest you anymore.


Generally, its kind of weird when people above 30 still play, but our generation was brought up on this, so I think it will be common to have old men playing games lol

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Do you feel that you will grow out of playing video games one day? Like, they just don't interest you anymore.


Generally, its kind of weird when people above 30 still play, but our generation was brought up on this, so I think it will be common to have old men playing games lol


I used to spend most of my free time in high school playing video games. Then college came. By my sophomore year, I was only playing a handful of games at friends houses. Now I'm 22 and I haven't played any video games since playing Call of Duty New Years Eve.


I've just gotten into text sims so I guess I'm kind of getting into video games again, but yeah, as you get older, your priorities change for the most part.


That being said, I know a 37-year old who still plays video games almost religiously (mostly fighting games like Street Fighter or Tekken).

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Over the past two years, each year, video games have become less and less interesting to me. I play far less now then I did three years ago, and the trend has continued each and every year, month, day, and hour. lol.


I used to go to the release things at gamestop for Madden and NCAA football and all that. But, hell, now I never do that. I used to get NCAA fb for the past like 8 years THE DAY it came out. Now, this year, I didn't even know what day it was released on...


Same thing with Madden. I probably won't get it the day it comes out.


I play video games maybe once every 10 days now. Sometimes I'll play, you know three times in a week, but then not touch it for another 3 weeks. So it varies, but I certainly don't play near the amount that I used to.


So, I believe in about 5 years, I probably won't play video games at all.

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I used to play video games all day long about 7-8 years ago lol, I was literally addicted. I rarely play now, maybe 3-4 hours a week. So to answer your question, I'll say yes. No way will I ever have time once I get a permanent job.

Edited by Confidence
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I kind of have lost interest in a lot of games, I really only play shooter games now...and I only play when my real life friends are on. If none of my friends are on, I get bored within 5 minutes.


That being said, I am addicted to Call of Duty, so really, I am gonna play until my friends stop caring, cause I really play just to fool around and eat [expletive] with them. I don't know what to expect when I am in college, but a lot of people that play online are in college and they are always on, and my bro,who is about to go to med school just bought a ps3 and he was usually in my room playing xbox, so I think I can balance it.

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I stopped playing games mostly (like maybe once or twice a month) once I got my driver's license... I mean once you have wheels and better things to do with spare time, games are pretty boring.




Life>Virtual Reality.

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I kind of have lost interest in a lot of games, I really only play shooter games now...and I only play when my real life friends are on. If none of my friends are on, I get bored within 5 minutes.


That being said, I am addicted to Call of Duty, so really, I am gonna play until my friends stop caring, cause I really play just to fool around and eat [expletive] with them. I don't know what to expect when I am in college, but a lot of people that play online are in college and they are always on, and my bro,who is about to go to med school just bought a ps3 and he was usually in my room playing xbox, so I think I can balance it.

We're basically the same...I <3 the cod series but if none of my friends are on, I dont even want to play or anything.

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Probably not until I'm too busy with life to play them. I'm saying 28-30ish, if I get married, maybe have a kid, a career.. that's when I'd stop.

you need to get out of the computer and try to find a wife first :P how old are you?

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I used to buy like every game I came by when I first got my xbox, but now I just buy a few main titles, COD, Halo, GTA, and Gears. Any other game I buy has to be amazing, and I really just like Co-op and online...single player campaigns depress me unless I am in party chat lol.


I know I won't stop playing though. I can go out, but if its an ugly day or I am just bored as [expletive], its nice to have my xbox there to pass the time. My teacher in HS, who was also a coach for football is like 30, and he plays God of War, so having a job and a family isn't an excuse to stop, cause face it, if you have a son, he is gonna get into gaming. Gaming is like any other from of entertainment these days.

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oh ok that's good. I suggest you marry after you finish your studies and could work so you could buy things for your wife and maybe child

Well I graduate in 2 years, so I'll be 22, which gives me 5-6 years to save up/find a career, before I want to even think about marriage. I'll be ok.

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These new gen games don't interest me at all.


I miss N64 and games like Zelda, Paper Mario, and all that old school stuff. I honestly haven't been interested in video games in a long time. I find these new shooters to be boring (no offense COD fans, I respect your opinion because I seem to be in the minority anyways), the new GTA game sucked IMO, and I can't really find anything that interests me anymore. I used to be excited for the new NFL or NBA games coming out but I've soon learned that they're basically the same game just new rosters every year over and over again. That's why I'm kind of interested to see NBA Elite.


I've really lost interest in video games in general. I play like once a week max, and I used to be glued to my TV screen playing video games during my childhood. I dunno, these games just don't seem the same anymore to me fun factor wise. The new graphics are cool and all that fancy stuff, but at the end of the day they just seem boring to me. Idk if it's age or what

Edited by Artesticle
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COD is only fun for me because I play with friends. COD by yourself is an easy way to get pissed off and want to throw your controller at the screen and then throw your console into the ocean. There aren't any games like old school, I miss them too, but I just moved on.


What you said about sports games is spot on, thats why I don't buy them every year now.

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I used to play for hours when I was younger. Now it's way less interesting. People that still play when they're thirty is because they're single and ugly. ( no offense anyone )

Are you like 12? That is a terrible generalization. People that still watch movies when they are thirty must be single and ugly too!

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