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Steve Nash

Sun Tzu

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Originality wins it. Amazing signature. Can you make me Ed Davis one? or John Wall? or both


I don't usually have the time to make sigs on weekdays but I'll see what I can do on the weekends though, probably not going to be able to make one sicne I make one like once a month.


Sick sig man, I had no idea you were a good designer.


Well now you know :wub: I don't consider myself that good though.


Haha, you clearly followed this tut: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/178/0/a/__Forsett_Signature_Tutorial___by_dynamiK_farr.png


As far as the sig goes, lighting is good but the font choice could have been a lot better. Keep following tutorials and you will be good in no time. Keep it up.


Haha I'm surprised someone picked it out. I kinda got lost half way through the tutorial so I just started experimenting a bit with it.



GREAT sig. Mind making me one? lol


Like I said above to Sacha (#1hustler)

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I don't usually have the time to make sigs on weekdays but I'll see what I can do on the weekends though, probably not going to be able to make one sicne I make one like once a month.




Well now you know :wub: I don't consider myself that good though.




Haha I'm surprised someone picked it out. I kinda got lost half way through the tutorial so I just started experimenting a bit with it.





Like I said above to Sacha (#1hustler)

Alright it's ok if you can't.

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Haha I'm surprised someone picked it out. I kinda got lost half way through the tutorial so I just started experimenting a bit with it.

That's what art is all about, and it paid off, good job.

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