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A-Zim Opening Promo/Match

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Out of Character: The match in this is just a squash match. You guys can do this too against made up wrestlers who have nothing to do with this fed if you want to showcase your wrestler.




The Opening Act: Part 1


Scene: Independent Show leading up to OTR Wrestling's first pay per view


The lights go out. "Burn in My Light" by Mercy Drive suddenly goes off and blue fireworks and out comes A-Zim. He hops around to get his blood flowing before walking down the entrance ramp. He high fives a few fans and slides into the ring under the bottom ropes. After a pose on the top turnbuckle, he descends back to the mat and asks for a mic.


A-Zim: What is up?!


*The crowd gives a small pop*


A-Zim: First of all, I would like to introduce myself. Some of you may not know me, but that should change after my first match in the public eye. I am A-Zim. They call me "The Entertainer". I don't feel the need to go into further details. Rather, I'll show you. Bring out my opponent, please.


A basic entrance song plays and a local wrestler by the name of Ryan David comes out. David is a normal built, 6 foot wrestler trying to make a name for himself. When both men are in the ring, the match begins.


A-Zim vs. Ryan David


The bell rings, and both men immediately lock up in the center of the ring. A-Zim has a better feel, and forces David into the corner, then he gets out of the lock up. A-Zim then gives a cold hard right handed punch right in David's face. Davis falls on his bottom and A-Zim backs off, looking at what he's just done. David tries to get back up, but A-Zim keeps him on the ground with a running kick to the back. A-Zim goes for the quick pin. 1...kickout. Zim picks up David, and irish whips him against the ropes. When David bounces off the ropes, A-Zim meets him with a kick to the gut, and then gives David a DDT straight to the mat. A-Zim then goes toward the corner, then proceeding to climb to the top turnbuckle, sizing up David. A-Zim jumps off the top ropes, going for an elbow drop to the heart of David, but David moves! Both men are on the ground now, and the referee begins his ten count. A few seconds later, both men are back on their feet, hobbling a little. David kicks A-Zim in the gut, and then backs off a bit. David then charges at Zim, going for a clothesline. A-Zim ducks it, runs toward the ropes, and springboards off the middle rope. As David turns around, he's met by a springboard moonsault from A-Zim which forces both men to the groun. A-Zim then gets back up and waits for David to get back to his feet. David gets up, A-Zim punches David in the forehead, and then picks him up, going for a sit-down power bomb called Lights Out, his signature move. He connects, and covers David. 1...........2..........3!


Ring Announcer: The winner of the match via pinfall at 1:53, A-Zim!


The local wrestler David rolls out of the ring and walks to the back. After A-Zim has his hands raised, he gets a mic and is waiting for the music to stop playing and for the crowd to quiet down.


A-Zim: How was that for entertainment?


The crowd gives a big pop.


A-Zim: Well, if you think that was impressive, wait until I entertain you people with my talents in OTR Wrestling. You see, I am not nervous or reserved for this. I'm confident and excited. I'm ready to face bigger and better things. And no matter who I face in Round 1 of the tournament, I will bring it my all. No one brings it like "The Entertainer".


Scene fades

Edited by The New Beginning
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