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The LeBron story ESPN doesn't want you to see


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If you guys heard about the story on TV that ESPN yanked from its website that wasn't very fond of LeBron, here it is:


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LeBron's boys told ESPN to take this off. ESPN is such a joke. Also, there's a story of LBJ flicking off a radio host from Cleveland who saw him at Las Vegas. The radio host said only kind words, and LBJ flipped him off.




We are truly learning about the kind of human being he is.

Edited by The New Beginning
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To me, LeBron James has gone a bit way to far ahead of himself and needs to get back in control; he does not know what he is doing, or neither way in my opinion. His life has totally turned upside down, his role for others is completely could be bad for a child to follow or do. I'm just a bit disappointed. He got very lucky on this one.

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I hate Lebron as much (or more) as the next guy, but what is he really doing wrong here? :huh:


Nothing. Certain members on this site just can't control their obsession with him.

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guys get a life.. there's more to life than hating LeBron james for every little thing he does. sometimes a guy just needs to have fun and celebrate stuff. i honestly don't see anything wrong here. maybe he took it a little to far but i don't believe so, he's just having a good time if thats the worst he ever does ill be perfectly happy cuz there are other players in the NBA and in other leagues that have done much worse i can guarantee you that.

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Its kind of funny for what the bandwagon Heat fans are saying in this thread.


Bandwagon Heat fans? Lol, I won't take it too seriously since you're new here but I'm definitely not a bandwagoner. Either way, time to stop obsessing about LBJ and his every move.

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Bandwagon Heat fans? Lol, I won't take it too seriously since you're new here but I'm definitely not a bandwagoner. Either way, time to stop obsessing about LBJ and his every move.

yeah i can say too much because im also new, but i agree with this. im not a bandwagon at all, i've been a heat fan for years ask Poe, im only new to this sight because i've just learned about it from my frend Poe. we could all say tht ur on the lakers bandwagon just because they've won 2 championship and are STILL the favorites to 3peat just sayin.. soo u cant say [expletive].

Edited by Abro
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LeBron hasn't even played one game for the Heat and you guys are defending him like he's won three championships. Who cares if he's an [expletive], you don't have to defend his outside of basketball personality too.

Edited by Universe
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Why did he want the article removed then?


Can you actually confirm that his people wanted that taken down? And I can see why he would as well. No one likes to see anything that could possibly put them in a negative light.


To the guy who said why are we defending him. Because he plays for the Heat no matter what and even if he didn't this article is so dumb that I'd still defend him even if he were a Knick or a Cav.


Really? He's an immature jerkoff because he was partying in Vegas? I guess that means Chris Paul is a doucher as well.

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I hope you guys know that most celebs, and athletes are [expletive] wipes off the court. They are only the nice guys at charity events and interviews and stuff. If you see Lebron, and Kobe on the beach together and a thousand people flock to them, you honestly expect them to act nice to every single one of you? You have to understand that they are entitled to freedom and doing what makes them happy, they can't put on an act 24/7.


That story sound like BS in some parts too. Why would Glen Davis stroll by his Vegas party and nod his head? That just sounds stupid.

Edited by SRV
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If you're every bit defending him as others are bashing him, does that mean you're obsessed too?


No, because the dude actually plays for my favorite team. The obsessive ones are the dudes posting all these different articles about LeBron's every move and how bad he looks. Its time to move on already.

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The Heat fans are starting to sound like the Cleveland fans of last year.



Yeah seriously lol. Before Lebron left Cleveland you wouldn't see one Heat fan in a thread like this backing him up, but Cleveland fans would be the ones saying "relax guys he's just having a good time." Now it's mostly Cleveland fans hating on him for having a good time and the Heat fans are saying leave him alone.


My my how the tables have turned. :lol:

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Yea, we defend our players. Who legitimately hates a good player on their team? Its like Wizards fans hating on John Wall. You guys really don't think these things through.


Funny thing is how most people on this site loved Lebron last year, and now he is evil. I could say the same thing for you guys.

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Lebron has been getting bashed by almost everybody ever since last year.


Im not saying you should hate him but the way Heat fans defend his actions are ridiculous. Its the same thing Cleveland fans used to do. Lebron could murder your family and you would still justify his actions.

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