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Tyreke Evans Caught Driving 120-130 MPH On Video


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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)—The basketball court isn’t the only place where Sacramento Kings player Tyreke Evans(notes) apparently likes to move fast.


A video released by the California Highway Patrol shows Evans speeding past vehicles on Interstate 80 in his purple Mercedes. CHP officers say he was driving 120 to 130 miles per hour.


The video of the 20-year-old NBA Rookie of the Year was shot from a plane on Memorial Day weekend.




Here's a link to the video




Damn.. what an idiot <_< . Lucky no one was hurt

Edited by DaSin
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I love how an NBA player is arrested at gunpoint going 120-130, yet when a 17 year old gets pulled over going 98 the license get's suspended until the age of 21 on any minor traffic violation in the future.

It's an age thing, not a fame thing I believe. The law makes no exceptions to young drivers who drive idiotically since they are more prone to being idiots.

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The fastest I've ever gone in my car is about 100, it's tempting to go 130 but it's so friggin dangerous. You have ZERO reaction time at that speed.


My friend was goin 120 once and passed a cop, the cop didn't even bother moving, so he radioed ahead to another cop who got out on the road so he could pull him over, he pulled him over, and asked him how fast he was going, and my friend said 90 mph, and the cop bought it/ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I was going 120 the other day. But there weren't a lot of cars around. And it was only for about 5 seconds.


This guy just randomly posts outta nowhere and bounces. Smh at you Aaron. :lol:

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