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Wisdom teeth come out tomorrow....


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I finally got the feeling back in my lower jaw and lips around 6 pm (the procedure was finished by 10:15 am). I've taken 8 Motrins (4 at 2 separate times) along with 2 percocets, and I guess you could say I've been in my "happy place" since then. According to my family I have been saying the most bizarre things they've ever heard, and most is just gibberish. Right now I can at least communicate thanks to these painkillers. All I've had to eat all day is one small cup of apple sauce, oatmeal, and a bottle of water.


For some reason I still have no feeling in my tongue though and can't really taste anything... I called the doctor and I have to go back to make sure they didn't accidently hit a nerve or something during the surgery, which could potentially (not likely) cause permanent damage. Thanks for the appreciation though guys, I hope this hell goes away soon.

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My god... it looks like I'm smuggling 2 baseballs in my mouth right now. I just took 4 more motrin and a percocet and now I "feel" better, but not necessarily look better. I'm not going to see the light of day for a while lol.

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Oh, and just to let you know, the third day is always the worst.

Gah, everyone tells me the second day is the worst, and I was hoping it was because my painkillers just wore off and now I look like a miserable chipmunk haha. I can't imagine what the 3rd day is going to be like.... :wallbash3: :wallbash3:

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Oh, and just to let you know, the third day is always the worst.

No its not, the third day is never the worse in anything, dont listen to this kid. Two baseball looking cheeks lol yeah told you they are gonna get real swollen and you cant do anything man, the 2nd day waking up is the worst.

Edited by NeTs15VC
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No its not, the third day is never the worse in anything, dont listen to this kid. Two baseball looking cheeks lol yeah told you they are gonna get real swollen and you cant do anything man, the 2nd day waking up is the worst.

Haha ok good. Waking up today was horrible. I stumbled up to go to the bathroom this morning and when I looked in the mirror, I freaked out at how swollen I got, but couldn't help but laugh at my resemblance to an ailing chipmunk. :P

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Haha ok good. Waking up today was horrible. I stumbled up to go to the bathroom this morning and when I looked in the mirror, I freaked out at how swollen I got, but couldn't help but laugh at my resemblance to an ailing chipmunk. :P


I'm very sorry. I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. :(

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Maybe there is. ;) lol


Anyway, day 3 is here and I'm continuing to feel like absolute crap. I just took my 7 am painkillers (4 advil + 1 percocet), and I have 2 more of those total servings awaiting me. This has literally all I have had to eat in the last 3 days:


2 Bottles of water (not counting the water I take with my pills)

2 servings of scrambled eggs

2 bags of oatmeal

4 small cups of apple sauce

1 small scoop of melted orange sherbert


So as you can see, I'm starving, but I can't eat anything if I wanted to. Why did the complication have to happen to me lol... I probably have at least a whole week of this left. All I've done is sit on the couch and either sleep or play mindless gamecube games since my xbox games require more thinking and all these pills make it hard to think. :)

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Dang dude that sux =[. I got them out last summer and basically first day was bad and I felt fine next day. I ate a Reuben and french fries and though it took a while till I could eat without any pain I could eat pretty much anything that I could tear apart with my hands.

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I hope that I NEVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRR have to get my wisdom teeth removed.



About five years ago, I had 8 or 11 teeth removed(either 5 and then 3, or 8 and then 3), and all I would eat was yogurt and [expletive], and I didn't even want to look at my mouth because my gums looked like they were charcoaled because of the dry blood looking black.


I guess I revealed a lot of secrets that I had when I was knocked out, and I think the doctors knew [expletive] that I have never said....



Anyways, getting braces on is a [expletive] too, but thankfully I never had a an expander, which I hear is an absolute [expletive]!!



I will be a little [expletive] if I have to get them removed.

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Woot, I just ate my first solid food meal. Well, not really a meal. 2 chocolate chip brownies, and a slice of stuffed crust pizza. Then I took 4 more advil and now I'm sitting here alternating between Super Smash Bros, talking on facebook, and posting on OTR. I'm glad to see some improvement. It's so weird how people can have such different reactions to this surgery.


I'm still chipmunkish. :)

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Just don't eat any chips or stuff like that because the little pieces could get stuck in the cut and that would be really bad.

Oh god I can't imagine haha that would be hell. Too bad because I get high on chips and salsa. Nothing like a good Tostito scoop chips with spicy chunky tomato salsa to dip with. :)


I'm sticking to the most easily consumable foods right now. I just took a nap from the last post I made to this site until now. My family and relatives have apparently been taking pictures of my chubby sleeping face without me knowing haha.

Edited by Gil-Zero
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Oh god I can't imagine haha that would be hell. Too bad because I get high on chips and salsa. Nothing like a good Tostito scoop chips with spicy chunky tomato salsa to dip with. :)


I'm sticking to the most easily consumable foods right now. I just took a nap from the last post I made to this site until now. My family and relatives have apparently been taking pictures of my chubby sleeping face without me knowing haha.

I would wait at least a week man but that's just me.

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Yeah I'm not going to be having chips for a while. I actually tried steak tonight with my family during our big dinner, and it took me about 3 minutes to finally finish chewing one small slice, then my jaw got tired so I had to just eat some apple sauce and go take another nap haha.

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I'm sticking to the most easily consumable foods right now. I just took a nap from the last post I made to this site until now. My family and relatives have apparently been taking pictures of my chubby sleeping face without me knowing haha.

That sucks, I would be pissed, sorry

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Haha it's fine, I'm sure when I heal I'll want to look back at what I looked like in this state. Something to laugh at a long time from now.


Blaahhhhhh I'm so sick of this rehab....I've been stuck at home doing nothing but watching re-runs of TV shows, playing video games, and taking large doses of prescription painkillers for 4 straight days. Other than 3 friends who visited me the first day for about an hour, I haven't seen another human face outside my family this whole time. :(

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I got a question for anyone who has had theirs taken out, did anyone have any tongue pain afterwards? The left side of my tongue feels like it is constantly being burned by something, and it has been this way since the surgery. :(

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