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Hair style


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Do you guys prefer having long hair, short hair, or in between?


I had curly hair as a kid, then I started shaving my head, so that completely damaged my hair. For the last 3 years I have been getting my haircut by scissors so my hair is getting softer now, so I am gonna let it grow to see what happens.

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Yea, my hair doesn't get that long when I try to grow it out, but its starts getting itchy for no reason, so I just cut it immediately lol....I just want to see if my hair will curl up when it gets longer because it looks bad [expletive] lol

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Yea, my hair doesn't get that long when I try to grow it out, but its starts getting itchy for no reason, so I just cut it immediately lol....I just want to see if my hair will curl up when it gets longer because it looks bad [expletive] lol

same actually it sounds like we have similar hair. mine is real thick and curly which is why i just buzz it.

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My hair pisses me off. I am growing it out and trying to make it curly, the other day it looked curly as [expletive], then the next day I take a shower and my hair is all straight and puffy...really cool, and now I can't make it look how it looked that day lol

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  • 3 months later...

Quick question to guys with curly hair


If you have ever let it grow, does it start off looking like a jew fro and then it just drops to the side? When my hair is wet it looks fine, but I played basketball yesterday at a park, and I came back home and I had a fro lol

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My hair im starting to look like a hippie, havnt had a haircut is like almost 6 months, im starting to look like a cross between justin beiber and tom brady. Unless I got my fitted on and have the wing action going on similar to this,


but getting a cut before the holidays

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