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Kobe, Lebron, join Illuminati?


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The Illuminati is no secret society. It's a bunch of fools with ridiculous claims and arguments as to why we're going to be taken over by Hulk Hogan and the nWo.

Yet you didnt watch the video.



This is scary stuff, that's all I have to say...

Thanks hun.

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Illuminati is no satan... they're a group of men who believe in science and not in religion.


In early age, men were divided into those who believe in either religion and science. It became war... if you read Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" (including the movie too), it's about this.


So because the science group doesn't believe in religion, the religion group thinks they're satan cults... when it's not necessarily the case. The science guys just don't believe in religion... but religion group took a step further by declaring war and started massacring the science guys who they believed were satans. They burned them... so the science guys had no choice but to retreat and formed their group underground... and they vowed revenge against the religion group.



It's really a tale of two sides. If you're religious, you'd think the science guys are evil... if you are a big believer in science, you'd think it was the religious guys that struck first and caused the war between the two sides.



I am a big fan of the book, not the movie though, I think it was poorly made.

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Amazing insight you got there. You cant dispute the evidence because you didnt watch, and if you did watch, you cant dispute it. Sad days when arguments are composed of little kids like Flash saying "LOL" and illuminati take overs.


I watched it and it never backed up any of its claims with hard facts. Like, how Vogue is somehow connected to freemasonry, which by the way is what this video is referring to, not the illuminati.

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Illuminati is no satan... they're a group of men who believe in science and not in religion.


In early age, men were divided into those who believe in either religion and science. It became war... if you read Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" (including the movie too), it's about this.


So because the science group doesn't believe in religion, the religion group thinks they're satan cults... when it's not necessarily the case. The science guys just don't believe in religion... but religion group took a step further by declaring war and started massacring the science guys who they believed were satans. They burned them... so the science guys had no choice but to retreat and formed their group underground... and they vowed revenge against the religion group.



It's really a tale of two sides. If you're religious, you'd think the science guys are evil... if you are a big believer in science, you'd think it was the religious guys that struck first and caused the war between the two sides.



I am a big fan of the book, not the movie though, I think it was poorly made.



It's fake. The preamble part that says the Illuminati was a group is fact, but that wasn't their ideals. They were formed at the beginning of the American Revolution and were only around a week. That's how the book pulls you in. Trust me, I got Illuminati tattooed on my right forearm.

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