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Woman throws live puppies into river

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Ants don't have the same type of connection/relationship with humans like dogs do. This is coming from someone who doesn't even think Mike Vick should've gone to jail. To me this is worse than what he did. These are babies for Christ's sake.

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Ants don't have the same type of connection/relationship with humans like dogs do. This is coming from someone who doesn't even think Mike Vick should've gone to jail. To me this is worse than what he did. These are babies for Christ's sake.


Who cares if they're just babies? It isn't like Vick's dogs posed any danger to him, and he helped kill/torture a WAYYYY larger numbers of dogs than this lady did (by what we see in the video).

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Humans aren't shiet, were animals btw so get ur facts str8.


I know we're animals, but the difference between the value of a human and dog to society is far greater than a dog and ant. To our society dogs are nothing more than a mixture of a living toy and glorified piece of furniture. They offer very little, even less than most non-house pets who get tortured and killed on a daily basis.

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I know we're animals, but the difference between the value of a human and dog to society is far greater than a dog and ant. To our society dogs are nothing more than a mixture of a living toy and glorified piece of furniture. They offer very little, even less than most non-house pets who get tortured and killed on a daily basis.


Dogs offer very little? I'd like to disagree. Dogs are able to protect their owners and some blind people have seeing-eye dogs, not to mention the police also use German Shepherds to help catch criminals or have them sniff drugs. Dogs in families are definitely not furniture, they are part of a family.

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What bothers me more, is trying to defend what she did.



I mean...seriously? Even going as far to pull the double standard card?



What the [expletive]?


This is why I never bother talking about alot of things here nowadays.

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I'm actually with Sublime to a degree. If that lady bought a bunch of ants, dozens of them, and brutally murdered them, everyone would just be like, "Ok..." and not care. Yet when it's puppies, every bit the creation of a so-called God as puppies are, people go ape-[expletive] and want the lady dead. The double standard is kind of annoying. I know she should be punished for her actions, but it's not anywhere near the same level as bad as killing a single human being.


Yeah but I don't think anyone would want an ant as a pet -_- Well at least I wouldn't.

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What bothers me more, is trying to defend what she did.



I mean...seriously? Even going as far to pull the double standard card?



What the [expletive]?


This is why I never bother talking about alot of things here nowadays.

I don't know who is defending her, but saying she doesn't deserve to be tortured and killed and defending her are 2 totally different things.

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You can't compare a puppy to insects. There's a reason why the police are looking for her.


In front of 100 people in your community, and a couple of cops, would you stomp on an ant? Would you stomp on a puppy's head?


There's no reason to group the two, and there was absolutely nothing funny about the video. Sure, she doesn't deserve to have her arms ripped off slowly, but she deserves prison time, and she would also deserve to get her ass beat and thrown into a river.

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But let's continue to attempt a justification using ants as an example. These living beings experienced pain, terror, and overall fear as they smacked the cold water and fought to breathe as they eventually drown, as they absolutely could not swim to save their lives. Pretty sweet to chuckle and defend the [expletive], though. You guys are win.


EDIT - You wouldn't know [expletive] about dogs and how they react to things unless you've actually owned one; hopefully it's just ignorance shining through with you guys.

Edited by Chicks Love Hakeem Nicks
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You can't compare a puppy to insects. There's a reason why the police are looking for her.


In front of 100 people in your community, and a couple of cops, would you stomp on an ant? Would you stomp on a puppy's head?


There's no reason to group the two, and there was absolutely nothing funny about the video. Sure, she doesn't deserve to have her arms ripped off slowly, but she deserves prison time, and she would also deserve to get her [expletive] beat and thrown into a river.


Agree with that right there. Couldn't have said it better. She doesn't deserve death but she also doesn't deserve any type of defense at all. To compare puppies and ants? Seriously? You could of compared them to any other living thing, lol.

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Lol you guys took the ant thing a little too literally. Insert any animal (other than cats)...hamster, lizard, fish, etc... Same [expletive]. And where's all the outrage over these videos, where animals (in the millions) are brutally tortured for their entire lives before finally being killed?...





But because it's dogs people go ape-[expletive]. And BTW I've owned 2 dogs in my life and still feel this way.

Edited by Nitro
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I've considered becoming vegetarian personally. I don't agree with the way the meat industry is run, plus we don't need meat to survive and be at our fullest health anyway.


It is odd the way our society values a dog's life over cow's life, though I know exactly why. We associate a cow with food and a dog with family. We've developed a bond with dogs, whereas none of us in this thread ever had a cow as a pet. I'm sure if we had a cow or a pig as a pet, we'd feel the same way about it.



I'm tired and a bit mixed with my thoughts right now. I'll post a more detailed response on the entire argument later.

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My biggest problem with that video was just how twisted that girl was, and how she did it to pups... they were defenseless. I think that's why so many people have a problem with that footage, because the dogs could do nothing about it. And maybe some people feel that cows are defenseless when they are slaughtered, but it's done in a usually humane way. There was nothing humane about the way those pups went out.

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Without watching the videos you posted... Those animals (if it's chickens and cows, as it looks) are grown/slaughtered for food. These pups were killed for... fun?


But the way they were tortured is far more cruel and goes wayyyyyy beyond what is necessary to process food. And those numbers are in the millions compared to these 5-10 dogs, who may or may not have died and didn't suffer anything like what those other animals did.


My point being is that the kind of thing that happened to those dogs happens ALL THE TIME (especially to non-dog animals in which the outrage is 1/100 of what you see when dogs are involved). Because it's dogs everyone is reacting like she killed 10 humans.

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But the way they were tortured is far more cruel and goes wayyyyyy beyond what is necessary to process food. And those numbers are in the millions compared to these 5-10 dogs, who may or may not have died and didn't suffer anything like what those other animals did.


My point being is that the kind of thing that happened to those dogs happens ALL THE TIME (especially to non-dog animals in which the outrage is 1/100 of what you see when dogs are involved). Because it's dogs everyone is reacting like she killed 10 humans.


I'm not sure if this has gotten off track... But your stance now seems like what she did was ok because other animals are treated poorly as well?


I firmly believe if there was a topic posted with your KFC videos or w/e they would have gotten a similar response.

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I'm not sure if this has gotten off track... But your stance now seems like what she did was ok because other animals are treated poorly as well?


I firmly believe if there was a topic posted with your KFC videos or w/e they would have gotten a similar response.


I never said it was ok. I just think everyone's punishment for her is just a tad extreme. She should be punished in accordance with the law, which will probably mean a bit of jail time (Bosnia or wherever might be different, though). She doesn't deserve anymore than that, and for some to say it's on a similar playing field as killing/torturing humans is way off-base.


And I doubt the other videos would have evoked the same response. There would be less people posting in the topic, and despite the fact those videos are of BRUTALLY torturing and killing millions of animals, the outrage would be less exaggerated and a bit more...rational I suppose.

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