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A Chance to Get LeBron James: Worth Giving Everything Up?


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It’s no secret that LeBron James’ contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers expires after this upcoming season, in the offseason of 2010. It’s been one of the hottest topics in sports for the past few seasons.


It has been so crucial to many teams that they are giving up for the current time and just constantly putting up losing seasons with no commitment to winning until they get James.


The New York Knicks are the biggest example of this whole fiasco. The Knicks were looking to get LeBron for a while and realized that they can not get James with the so called wits of Isiah Thomas. He was fired and Donnie Walsh took over the New York empire.


The Knicks have made tons of trades this past few seasons to get rid of players with high paying contracts. During the course of losing players, New York has lost Zach Randolph, Stephen Marbury, Jamal Crawford along with numerous others. The Knicks have gotten many players whose contracts end during the offseason of 2010.


The main target of New York has been LeBron James. While they do have a chance to get players such as Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Steve Nash, and others, the rumors are making it look like the Knicks are aiming for the Chosen One. Who can blame them? James has the potential to go down as the greatest player ever.


As for playing with the Knicks, it would help him become an even bigger icon. Most of the big stars in the league have played in big markets.


Michael Jordan played for Chicago and Magic Johnson played for Los Angeles. It’s only fitting for a King to play in the most known place in America.


James himself has said that he has no intentions of leaving Cleveland Cavaliers.


“I’m happy in Cleveland. I don’t have any plans on going anywhere,” James said. “These fans have done everything to support me. I’m excited about being here.”


LeBron has been found sporting a New York Yankees hat almost everywhere he is off the court, but half of the country wears these Yankee caps.


These LeBron talks haven’t been too nice to the current franchise players for the Knicks: David Lee and Nate Robinson.


Both of these players are unhappy with the Knicks attempts to re-sign them and are both considering leaving.


This brings up the main point of this article, is it worth losing your current best players just so you could have the money to sign an even bigger star the next season. Have the fans had enough suffering with the continuous losing seasons just to wait for the King?


What if James and the rest of the free agents of 2010 sign with other teams because New York has no one left? You could give them tons of money, but what would be the point of signing a big name star when he is the only player on the team that is a good player? You will still be in the same position with the constant losing.


The New York Knicks front office better hope to work their magic during the 2010 off-season. If the Knicks do not get at least one of the big name free agents, get ready to see some heartbroken fans in city that never sleeps.




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Nice article. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about LeBron leaving Cleveland. I can't see any other big FA's landing in NY, and I hate hearing about reports of him leaving because it makes the whole situation inevitable; that he has to leave and become a global icon. A lot of the talk faded recently with Shaq coming and the cap drop expected, but I'm still nervous.

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