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Worst movie you've ever seen?

Guest STL10

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Mine would have to be Avatar (The one with the tall blue cat people) for several reasons.


Mainly James Cameron pushing his agendas on people during the movie and others.


Alright, what about the rest of OTR?


Tell me the worst!


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Connie and Carla. Its about two girls, pretending to be guys, that dress as girls........its SO STUPID. My sister wanted to see it and I got dragged into it, I felt like shooting myself in the face.

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I went out in the middle of "Psycho" remake (Anne Heche and Vince Vaughn)... I watched it again on DVD and it is actually nice. So this movie is good.


- I think "Evita" (Madonna) was pretty bad... I can't even sleep, it was dreadful.

- And I watched some animation on cinema... I can't believe I passed Pixar's "Up" to watch this... I forgot the title... but it was some dogs or squirrels trying to save their friend or some [expletive] I forgot... I don't even remember lol

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