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Is this the worst song ever?

Guest STL10

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lmao, if you guys really like that you have no taste in music.



for some reason I don't feel offended


On a real note the songs are the greatest but the beats are mad nice, even if you don't like the lyrics you can't knock the production on those tracks.

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for some reason I don't feel offended


On a real note the songs are the greatest but the beats are mad nice, even if you don't like the lyrics you can't knock the production on those tracks.


Ya bro, I totally listen to Serbian Rap

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More than half the Rap, Pop, and RnB songs I hear on the radio makes me think "probably the worst song ever", and also about a quarter of the rock, alternative, and country songs that are somehow popular enough to make top 40. But I guess that's just me.


Not that I'm claiming to know a whole lot about music and "what's out there", but so much mainstream music sounds so bland and unoriginal with no creativity. Even the lyrics are garbage, with all of the songs either being about "how super cool I am, look at much I get laid" or "why did my baby leave me" or "check out this awesome party" or "why does nobody treat me right" or "check out how uber meaningful my song is".


And most songs sound pretty similar. I can go down the list of the top 100 songs on iTunes and start matchmaking all the songs that sound similar. I'll probably come out with about 10 original songs, if that.



But really, the key to success in art has nothing to do with being good at it. It's about marketing yourself. Rappers need to create a popular or "cool" image to themselves, rock stars need to look rebellious, pop stars need to look sexy, etc. If you can do those things successfully, regardless of the quality of your music, you will be popular.


And that's the sad thing about music... it's so hard to find good songs.



Sorry if that little mini-rant is a bit all over the place. I'm just spewing thoughts off the top of my head. Didn't really bother editing.

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