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Canada unveils new speed bump: optical illusion of a child


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Canada unveils new speed bump: optical illusion of a child

Officials in West Vancouver, Canada, apparently aren't satisfied with the driver-slowing properties of traditional speed bumps. On Tuesday, the town unveiled a new way to persuade motorists to ease off the gas pedal in the vicinity of the École Pauline Johnson Elementary School: a 2-D image of a child playing, creating the illusion that the approaching driver will soon blast into a child.


According to Discover magazine, the pavement painting appears to rise up as the driver gets closer to it, reaching full 3-D realism at around 100 feet: "Its designers created the image to give drivers who travel at the street's recommended 18 miles per hour (30 km per hour) enough time to stop before hitting Pavement Patty -- acknowledging the spectacle before they continue to safely roll over her."


You have to wonder if the designers of the "speed bump of the future" considered that drivers might become conditioned to disregard Pavement Patty and her imaginary cohorts, creating something similar to a "boy who cried wolf" effect. Couldn't such conditioning reduce drivers' caution if a real child should cross their path?

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I would still go, knowing that its a speed bump and they all look the same. I live in the middle of my neighborhood, there are two exits, and I drive through at least 10 speed bumps every day on my way in, and out...I just ignore speed bumps now days, I don't speed over them, but I am not extremely cautious like I used to be.

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Well going fast on a railroad track isn't smart, my car rattles like crazy even when I go slow....speed bumps it all depends on how the bump is made...some speed bumps aren't even bumps, they are like smooth transitions on the street, some of them just [expletive] your car up if you go too fast.

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