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Is Cleveland Making Moves With Orlando In Mind?

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I was at another forum and a Cavs fan made an interesting post in a thread about signing Jamario Moon that I think could lead to some decent discussion. Here was the post that he made:


I don't like the idea of building a team strictly to beat Orlando, which it appears is what Ferry is attempting to do. Still, this is a pretty good signing, depending on the contract.


You can bet that against teams like the Magic with really athletic, perimeter oriented 4s, LeBron will bump down to PF and Moon will move to the 3. This is something that the Cavs simply couldn't do last year. Combine that with the addition of Shaq, who can defend DHo without a double and this is clearly a move with Orlando in mind.


The good thing is that we have upgraded the team significantly without losing any pieces that were of importance to a 66 win team that was 8-0 in the playoffs until meeting our match. But, we have to keep in mind that the '09 Cavs were built to beat the Celtics. I'm not sure that adding Moon and Parker while losing Smith and Wallace will benefit us if it is Boston that we see in the playoffs, not Orlando.


Last year, it was Boston that I was praying for in the ECF. This year, it may be Orlando that every Cleveland fan is hoping to see.


Do you think that Ferry is making moves with the thought of beating Orlando being first and foremost in his mind?

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Moon gives them the option to match up better with Orlando, by possibly moving LBJ to the 4, but it does not limit there ability to play a very similar line up as last year with Moon playing the two and Mo at the 1.

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