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Anyone ever tried cage fighting?

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Just tried cage fighting for the first time ever. My friend has been doing it for five years, and he wore me the hell out on the ground, and I'm bigger and felt like I was stronger...just too much stamina.


He kind of cheated though (not really), because I actually took him down first, but I didn't know what to do (we weren't punching each other). So I tried to gain side control, and he gave it to me, caught me off guard, and put me in a triangle choke. He didn't wrench it in, though...but he kept asking me to get out of it, and it's impossible unless you want to rip your ears off...couldn't pull my head or my arm out.


So after what seemed like an hour in one of those, he let it go and took my side quickly, then started working over my arm. Eventually, he dropped his legs over my neck and chest, put me in a PERFECT armbar, and made me tap, and I felt like the triangle choke drained every single ounce of energy I've had, and not even five days worth of energy could've saved me.


Gotta respect those dudes for what they can do on the mat. He said I was actually really, really good being a rookie, but I didn't believe him, lol.

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I've tried sparring with my friends but not in a cage. Just at school on the grass :lol:


Before I fought I didn't think it was that hard but after like 3 minute of tryna break headlocks and stuff I was so puffed out :lol:

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Nope. Cage fighting is all form and knowledge though. A guy like Kimbo Slice would get wrecked by a little asian guy if that dude knows what hes doing.

Yeah, basically what happened with me. Seriously, I was kind of nervous even when I had side control on him.

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